Ch. 11

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Soojung's eyes open up as the sound of her jail gate opening wakes her up. The blanket he gave her last night is all wrapped up around her body like a burrito; all nice and tight.

The scent of fresh rice and meat strengthens the hairs in her nose. She sits up and looks into the direction the smell is coming from.

Oh, him.

But, no, it's not that she's bothered by him at this point. All she sees is the food; her stomach is so empty to the point where it's just sagging. Soojung swallows her saliva and slowly gets out of bed.

"Is that... chicken?!" She happily screams and jumps off the bed. Jongin, who's half asleep, gets startled at the fact that this girl just almost knocked this whole tray of food out of his hands.

"Yeah, it's chicken. It's for me, though." He chuckles and sits on the ground, for there is no table. Soojung's eyes sag as she watches him munch on the chicken.

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, I ordered this," he points at the box of chicken with his left hand and shoves another piece of chicken into his mouth with the other, "with my own money. Oh, this chicken is soo good." He adds a moan at the end.

The irony. Soojung falls back into the bed and flips over so her face is on top of the pillow.

So, I'm in jail in North f*cking Korea and I don't even get to eat my favorite food: chicken. Soojung thinks to herself and starts ramming her legs on the bed.

Startled, again, Jongin drops the piece of chicken onto the tray. He sighs and stands up while wiping his hands off with a napkin.


Jongin yanks her up by the arm onto her feet. Being grabbed like that, she *accidently* let's out a scream. "What are you doing? If someone like you is going to boss me around, do it nicely, please and thank you." She looks up and down at his somewhat fancy pajamas. Jesus, she never knew N. Korean officers or whatever wear Adidas clothes to bed.

"You look like a mess; I'm going to take you to a bathroom so you can have a great first day in North Korea."

"What? Isn't that against the ru—" she eyes him like he's some sort of dumb ass chicken lover but is then dragged outside of her cell by Jongin.

"Yeah, it is against the rules. But, I would do any—"

"Forget it; all I want is chicken." Her love for chicken cannot be denied. Coincidently, Jongin's favorite food is fried chicken, so...

"No, follow me." He grabs her wrist. She pushes it away with al her strength and glares straight into his eyes.

"No, Sir. I am not—"

The hallway suddenly has sound echoing into it. The hallway is actually just a section of the building that's reserved for special prisoners; outside of the cell is a no-bar living area for the officer watching the prisoner, a desk, a kitchen, and a separate bathroom. The hall, on both ends, is closed off with a door.

Basically, the jail cell is inside a room which is inside a building. Yeah, weird.

Jongin's eyes widen and then he looks down at her. "Don't resist me." He growls and pulls her into the cell.

One of the doorknobs of one of the doors begin to turn, and the action begins.

"You wench! How dare you eat my chicken!" Jongin yells and punches her across the face. Astonished at how fast this is happening and what he just did to her, she begins to tear up like any other person would.

"You... what did you..." she gasps and holds her cheek. It doesn't feel numb to her, but it's like in shock. It hurts but it doesn't.

Kim Jongun walks into the scene with his wife at his side. He begins applauding Jongin for what he just did.

"My son, good job. You've become manly."

Jongin almost gags actually hearing this. Hitting a female is not right, and his leader is agreeing to it?

"So, this wench ate your chicken?"

"Yes, Sir."

Soojung falls onto the ground and closes her eyes. The conversation of lies continues to unfold in front of her, and there's nothing that is helping her.

"...give her a nice beating, Jongin." The leader finally finishes and leaves with his wife who hasn't said anything all along.

After waiting for what seemed like hours, Soojung lets out a cry of pain.

"I'm sorry." Is all he can say to her.

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