Tied To You

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When my eyes opened, my vision was blurry and there was a significant pounding in my head. My head was in agony and I felt extremely dizzy. As my vision cleared, I opened my eyes to see him in front of me and the event that occurred last night came to my attention.

"What did you do to me?" I asked softly. I tried to get up but my body felt heavy and I collapsed to the floor once again. I had no energy left in me to even be scared or angered, I was drained... literally.

"I fed off of you, and you tasted so fucking good. Now stay seated and if you promise to not run away or give me any sassy remarks, I will heal you. Understood?" I heard his deep voice ask. I decided to oblige to his terms because my throbbing brain was becoming increasingly more excruciating.

It was evident that he was American, it made me wonder why he was in Australia? I nodded my head and blurrily watched as he bit into his own wrist. Blood became prevalent and he lifted it up to my mouth. I unsurely took his blood into my mouth and seconds after swallowing, my head stopped pounding and I began to recover.

His two strong arms lifted me onto my bed and I sat upright, his touch still feeling strange against my skin. He took his seat at the end of the bed and I kept silent momentarily as it looked as though he was recollecting his thoughts.

After a short moment I finally broke the silence, "What's your name?" I asked hesitantly, still scared after his aggressive actions last night.

His eyes met mine, "Andy, Andy Biersack." He spoke clearly. "Listen, I'm sorry for feeding off of you last night. I can get very... tempered at times; I tend to lose control when my anger arises and your scent is so appealing to me. I couldn't help myself." He admitted, looking slightly saddened about his actions, but he still kept his dominant composure.

"I-I'm scared of you." I softly admitted. I gulped and looked at the change in his expression. He looked sad that I felt that way, but he'd given me no reason to feel otherwise. I was so scared of him, he could lose his temper at any moment and kill me... the thought sent shivers up my spine.

He turned toward me on the bed, "Last night you asked me what I was doing here. The truth is, since your scent is so... appetising," I cringed at his use of wording, "you're so appealing to the darker vampires. I'm here to protect you." He said, openly.

I frowned, "So your idea of protecting me is sneaking into my house, threatening me and then feeding off of me? Wow, you're a real prince charming..." I said bluntly. He frowned slightly and ran his hand through his long hair, obviously frustrated.

"Let's just say that I'm not too good at making first impressions." He said with a slight smile that I returned.

I really didn't know what to make of Andy. He was such a sarcastic asshole, but he was so gorgeous and mysterious. My body was still quaking with fear but I was getting used to Andy. I honestly didn't know if he was trying to protect me or hurt me, yet if I was in danger then I guess I needed his help.

I was just so curious about him, and about his vampiric lifestyle. I was extremely tempted to ask him questions but I bit my tongue.

He moved slightly closer to me and took a deep breath, "I know that you don't fully trust me yet, but I am trying to help you. I don't want to see you getting killed-", "Why?" I interrupted. Maybe if I knew his intentions and reasoning then I could gain more trust for him.

He paused for a moment, "Ah... for my morals?" He said unsurely and bit his lip.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him, "If you want trust, then you need to tell me the real reason," I pleaded. He took a deep breath and pressed his lips into a hard line, "I'm enticed by you okay? I want to know you and ensure that no one hurts you." He said softly.

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