Family Deaths

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As Andy opened the front door, fear struck through me and no matter what the outcome would be from their visit, I knew that we'd be okay if we stuck together.

As we walked outside, I realised that it was the evening and that my transition had taken quite a while and although I'd thought it was the morning I was most definitely wrong. The radiant pink and orange clouds set small ounces of light onto the landscape and I gulped as I saw mist floating ominously in the air.

Andy's hand made me feel safer and I stared up at him briefly to see his expression. His jaw was pressed into a tight line and concern filled me as I realised even he was scared.

I looked forward and there were about fifteen cloaked figures standing and waiting for us. We stopped a few metres away from them and that's when my eyes landed on Ashley. He'd obviously told the Council of our location and guided them here. His evil eyes met mine and anger filled me as a smirk played on his lips.

All was quiet until suddenly a deep voice spoke up, "Well, what do we have here?" He asked. He was obviously the leader. His long beard and dark expressions terrified me but I swallowed my fear and held onto Andy's hand tighter.

"She is not a mortal anymore. You have no reason to hurt us." Andy spoke up confidently and I moved closer to him.

Ashley stepped forward and scoffed, "You still weren't planning to change her. It was someone else who did it and without your intention to turn her, you deserve to be executed." Ashley practically yelled. I knew that he was not mentally stable and was going insane but it scared me to think that the Council might actually agree with him.

The leader's dark expressions left Ashley's face and he turned to us. I was praying that he'd allow us to live. "Hmmm, your points are valid Ashley, do you have any arguments against his word Andy?" He asked.

I was scared because I didn't know if Andy has any valid points to back us up. His dark eyes stared directly into the leader's eyes and his focused expression sent shivers down my spine, "I do actually. It's my belief that our kind should live in peace and harmony with each other. We should fight with our pray rather than our own kind. In years to come, if we do not stand together, our kind will devour each other." 

He argued and the dark figures focuses expressions did not change and so he took a deep breath and continued, "I have never gone after a specific vampire or aimed to attack one of my own but Ashley, my own brother, has tried to kill me for years and being a pureblood family I don't think this is wise or a good choice for our kind." He preached.

He was speaking so confidently but the facial expression of the Council Leader had not budged at all and his intense gaze never left Andy's eyes. It was as if he was contemplating his thoughts and trying to see a way that he could kill as many people as possible. He did not look friendly, and he did not look as though he was messing about and that terrified me to the bone. He continued,

 "Ashley has been attacking me, trying to get me executed, he even hypnotised Scarlett to say that she did not love me anymore and I think that is far more serious than waiting for a proper time to change my soulmate."

The croaked figures were now staring at Ashley and it was evident that perhaps Andy was winning them over, "I know you all understand the privilege and feeling of having a soulmate so I want you all to imagine if she was stuck in her own mind saying, I love you and yet her words speak lies. That's far crueller than waiting for a perfect moment to change your soulmate into a vampire until she's older." He said and I held his hand tighter. 

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