Don't Cry

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After the fortune telling yesterday, Andy had only become more stressed and I hated that he couldn't bring himself to smile. I loved the way that his dimples would appear when he smiled but I hadn't been able to see his actual grin for so long and honestly I missed it.

"Andy you haven't eaten in days." I stated and he nodded, "I know, but we're almost at my mothers and if she lets us in she will surely supply me with blood." He said blandly and I sighed.

Both of his hands were on the wheel and each second that passed, he just became more and more on edge. "Why don't you feed off of me?" I offered but he barely even flinched at my request, "No. I just want to get there."
I rolled my eyes.

His skin was so much paler than usual and his eyes had lost a lot of their colour because of his hunger. "Seriously it's fine. It'll only take five minutes-"

"Fucking hell, I said no. How many times do I have to say it?!" He interrupted and my whole body was shocked at his tone. I knew he was angry but I was just trying to help. I couldn't stand seeing him stressed and for that he scolded me?

I wasn't angry at Andy, but more saddened that he'd yelled. I felt like a kid who'd just been yelled at for taking the last cookie. His words cut like a blade and I hated that I'd pushed him, I just wanted him to be happy? I leaned against my window and felt a tear fall from my eye. I loved him so much and currently he hated me.

Another rebellious tear escaped my eye and soon my lower lip began trembling. I didn't want to cry and so I tried so hard not to but I couldn't contain myself. I was doing quite well at hiding it from Andy before I sniffled and gave it away. "Oh fuck... no, no, no!" He muttered frantically.

The car stopped abruptly and I didn't want to look at him but he used his speed to jump out of the car, open my door and be by my side within seconds. I turned away but he undid my seat belt and forcefully faced my body toward him, so that my legs were dangling out of the car.

"Scarlett, love, sweetheart. No, please don't cry. I love you. I'm sorry for snapping. I'm stressed. Fuck. Please stop!" He begged, but I still knew that I'd been annoying. He blue orbs were trying to look into mine but I kept looking down repeatedly to avoid his gaze.

"I'm sorry for being annoying. I just can't physically see you stressed or sad and I have a compulsion to make you feel better. I'll stop. I promise I'll leave you to your thoughts from now on." I said sadly. Yes, I hated that he'd snapped but I understood why.

He pulled me out of the car and embraced me. He wiped my tears and pressed me up against the side of his car, "Love, you're amazing and so sympathetic and I love you. I'm a selfish, hungry asshole okay? Just please stop crying, I can't bare it. I feel physically sick please stop baby."

I embraced him and we stayed like that for a long time, just hugging.

When Andy removed himself from me, his eyes were red and I knew that he was extremely hungry. "Um..." he scratched his head before continuing, "Listen, I know I'm a selfish asshole but..."

I smiled softly, "Yes Andy, the option is still up for grabs."

His fangs dropped and I was so turned on at the sight in front of me. His eyes were drowning in bloodlust and he was practically salivating. I just wanted to kiss him and have his fangs pressed into my neck.

"Are you sure?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes, "Andy please." I begged. He pushed me further against the car and fireworks flooded my body. Andy had explained to me that I could feel what he felt whilst feeding off of me and that's why it affected me so much.

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