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I knew that Andy was feeling anxious about talking with his father, but I knew that he needed closure. I'd been trying to get used to the vampiric life but I hadn't been doing so well. My speed was uncontrolled and even in Andy's rough mental state, even he found my struggles hilarious, "Sweetheart, come here." He beckoned softly and I tried to slowly make my way over to him, but I just ended up crashing into him.

His body moved slightly as I hit him but it wasn't at enough force to knock him over. I sighed, "Why am I so hopeless at this lifestyle? Maybe you were right, maybe I wasn't meant to be a vampire..." I looked down but Andy's long finger propped my head up, "Love, when I received my full powers, it took me months before I could control myself. You have no need to be hard on yourself. Look on the bright side, you were changed by a pureblood and so you can waltz around in the daylight." He said positively but I still sighed.

"Are you sure I'm still good enough for you as a vampire?" I asked and could feel the burn in my throat pulsating again, "I mean, you fell in love with the human version of me..." I muttered but he only chuckled, "Baby, I don't just love you because of your exterior. Your appearance is simply a bonus to the wonderful person that you are." He admitted and I could feel myself blushing.

I felt so human considering that I was frozen in time? I could still feel the rush of emotions and strangely everything was magnified and my emotions were heightened. I could smell every scent that flooded through the depths of the house and everything was so much clearer. It was as though I'd woken up and seen the world from a new perspective and even though my throat always had a mild burn tingling, I strangely was not completely compelled to attack anyone.

I stared up into Andy's perfect eyes and I didn't think that it was capable to love someone as much as I loved him. I stared at his amazing jawline and bit my lip to stop myself from kissing him.

Although, I couldn't help myself from staring at his amazing lips and as I unwillingly learnt in I noticed that he did too. I stood on my tiptoes and just as our lips grazed each other's, there was a knock at the door and we both sighed knowing who it was, "We'll continue this later." He said softly and took a deep breath, his nervous state obviously returning.

He sat down on the lounge and I opened the door up to see his father standing there. I smiled softly and let him in. His large build entered the house and I followed closely behind him. I watched as his dark eyes met Andy and he looked kind saddened because his son couldn't even bring himself to look him in the eye.

As he sat down, I took my place next to Andy and placed my hand on his knee to comfort him. His furrowed eyebrows showed his aggression and annoyance about the situation and his red eyes stayed focused on a specific spot on the floor.

An awkward silence filled the air because I didn't believe that anyone could process what was going on completely. Cardan obviously had a lot of explaining to do but after a short while he cleared his throat, "Listen, Andy. Let me start off by just saying that I know that I wasn't fair to you as a father." he sighed and ruffled his long hair, "I know that I pushed you to use your abilities and that you never were evil. But after I followed Ashley and saw what he had become and how he'd affected so many people's lives I-"

"Why did you fake you death? Why did you make me live with that pain and guilt?" Andy interrupted. His dark eyes stayed completely focused on the same floor tile but although his tone was fierce, he was still staying calm and it made me quite proud.

Cardan's expression looked broken and I knew that he had to have changed from the man that he was when he was caring for Andy. "I needed a break from your mother, we were so broken and it killed me internally knowing that I'd left you with the guilt, but I need you to know that I didn't intend on leaving you feeling that way for long... 

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