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When Amy woke up from her position that Andy had moved her to on the lounge, she looked around, confused before she slowly realised what'd happened. Her eyes met Cardan's and I was prepared for her to rage. I was prepared for her to accuse him of leaving and ruining Andy's life.

Cardan's eyes were tearing up and the two, reunited soulmates stared at each other momentarily, "A- Am I dreaming?" Amy questioned, softly. Cardan shook his head from side to side and to my surprise, instead of raging at him she jumped off of the lounge and straight into his arms.

I watched as their bodies moulded together and as their embrace deepened. I could hear faint sobs coming from Amy's mouth and Cardan's hand moved into her hair to embrace her further. 

It was as though she'd been waiting for him. It was as like he was the missing piece to her heart. I knew that they both needed each other and I guess that they needed time to contemplate their issues. Maybe Cardan leaving was the best option for them? After all, absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Andy took his position down next to me and draped his arm over my torso. His face was bright and I'd never seen him so happy for other people. It was as though the past didn't matter anymore and that he'd gained acceptance of his parents, and that made me so happy.

I nuzzled into his side as we watched his parents stare at each other in disbelief. "Y- You were dead? What?" She managed to speak out. A small smile crept onto Cardan's face, "No, no. I have much explaining to do but I am so sorry for leaving and causing you so much guilt, I really am, I love you so much." He admitted emotionally. My heart was bursting from happiness and I was so glad that Amy and Cardan had made their way back to each other.

She really deserved to have him in her life and I could see on her face when we were back in the Biersack territory, how much he meant to her. I'd see her staring sadly at photos of him constantly and I never brought it up with her to discuss because I knew how much pain she was in and I knew how much she needed to re-connect with him.

Andy noticed my happy expression and looked down at me smiling, "Everything is now as it should be."


After a long day of Cardan explaining to Amy his regrets, and catching up with Andy's parents, I felt peace with the people that I was surrounded with and I was incredibly happy that Andy had reunited with his family. I knew that he wished the same for me, but honestly I wasn't sure that I wanted to reconnect with them? 

I'd transformed, literally, and through the transformation I'd realised that I was a completely different person than I was a year ago. So many bizarre events had become present and I only hoped that I didn't lose Andy again, that was my main concern.

It was late at night, Cardan and Amy were sleeping in my parent's old room upstairs and Andy was lying upstairs in our room. I couldn't sleep and so I was sitting down at the kitchen counter, wondering what the future would hold. 

Yet, I was distracted from my thoughts when I noticed that Amy was standing in front of me; I wish I could master my vampire speed as well as she could. She stood there and smiled at me, 

"How's the vampire life?" she questioned and poured us both some blood from Andy's stash which he'd left at my place. I sighed, "I'm not very good at it yet." I muttered and she laughed, 

"Don't worry, Andy is an excellent vampire, I'm sure he'll show you the ropes."

She slid a glass over to me and the burning sensation in my throat intensified as it came closer. I licked my lips and thanked her, "So, I know today has been a shock to you, but how does it feel to have him back?" I asked and her smile widened. 

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