Book By It's Cover

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*Trigger Warning*

Andy and I were half way through watching the second season of The Office, and I was having a lovely time just being around him and learning about his vampiric traits more, but then I noticed Andy becoming fidgety and I was becoming more and more concerned as he kept staring at the window. His hands were fiddling in his lap and every minute or so he'd glance out the window. I knew that I shouldn't suspect anything but I was kind of scared.
"Andy? Are you okay?" I finally questioned, after half an hour of him acting weirdly. He snapped his head toward me and bit his lip, "Uh... I'm going to sleep at my place tonight." He stated, and this only made me more confused. He looked worried and this only caused me to become even more curious, "Why?" I asked, "I need to sort out my furniture more..." He said trailing off and he was obviously lying. Why didn't he trust me?

As time went on I could tell that something was up but I didn't want to ask because I was trying not to have any more misconceptions about Andy's decisions because normally I would completely overreact, I just hoped that nothing bad was happening and that we were both safe.

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself missing Andy's presence. I felt really upset that he wasn't around me, but I was determined to snap myself out of my thoughts about him. I hoped he was okay after last night, he was extremely distracted and I was becoming more suspicious as time went on. It wasn't like Andy to blatantly lie? I was still really confused with how I felt about Andy and I wasn't sure if I should've fully trust him.
I needed to vent to someone and so I picked up my phone and texted Damien, asking to meet at our favourite coffee shop in an hour. I knew Andy wouldn't be happy about me meeting Damien but I knew that I needed to explain to him; or make up an explanation as to why he was literally attacked by Andy...

I spent half an hour studying and I was actually quite proud with how much I got done. Then I got ready to meet Damien.


"So he has anger and jealousy issues?" Damien repeated and I nodded. "Yeah, once again I'm so sorry about him attacking you. He's usually very nice but he does have his outbursts..." I stated.
Damien frowned, "Then how do you know he won't hurt you?"

"He wouldn't. I just know." I stated. My reasoning was extremely broad but I know Andy well enough and I know he loves me.

Damien ran his hands through his hair, "I don't know about that Scar... He seems extremely dangerous. I couldn't stand it if he hurt you...But I guess if you like him then-", "Well I don't know if I like him..." I interrupted. Damien smiled, "It seems like you do... But I just want you to be careful okay?"

I knew that Andy had an aggressive side to him, but Damien just didn't understand Andy.

"I'm sorry Scar... Let's change the subject." He suggested and I nodded.

"So when are you coming to work next?" He asked, "Probably the day after tomorrow, is that okay?" Damien nodded and for the next half hour we talked about work and music. I hadn't been playing or composing much lately, I've been a bit pre-occupied with Andy but I knew that I needed to practice more.

The one thing that I love about Damien, is that he really wants to know stuff about me and my life and not a lot of people truly want to know me or listen to me so I really appreciated his friendship.

After farewelling Damien, I started to leave but he grabbed my arm and looked up at me intensely, "Scar just... please be careful around that Andy guy and if you like him, I think you'd better tell him soon; don't keep him waiting, that's when people usually leave..." And with that statement, Damien kissed my forehead and walked off.
Maybe I should tell Andy that I like him?

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