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Surprisingly the ice rink wasn't as full as I had expected, usually it would usually be packed because of summer. The Australian sun was honestly so bad and I was so happy that I could finally escape it. I looked over at Andy and saw that he was getting our skating shoes for us. I saw him walk back over to me, carrying his skates and mine. I thanked him and started putting them on. I was quite scared to be ice-skating, because for some reason I always managed to fall over at least ten times; I have the balance of a new born deer.

Andy smiled at me after putting his skates on and held his hand out to help me up. I grabbed his hand and felt the familiar electricity shoot through me when we made contact. When I was on my feet I frowned slightly and balanced myself before I spoke, "Andy, why is it that every time we make contact I-", "Feel a spark? Electricity?" He interrupted. I nodded, "I told you that we're soulmates love..." He smirked. He smirk made he melt and die internally. I looked down and finally admitted to myself that we were. I knew that no other guy could make me feel the way Andy did, but I was so scared to give in to him. I didn't want to disappoint him or have him leaving me; I doubt he would, it's just I've said that about a lot of people and have been proven wrong too many times. Plus, Andy is a vampire and he is extremely unpredictable. With the stressful year that I had ahead I didn't think I could take the risk of being in a relationship; especially with a member of the supernatural...

Andy entered the ice rink before me and waited on the edge, leaning back against it slightly. "Uh, Andy just so you know I'm terrible..." I admitted, only making Andy laugh. "I'm sure you're not that bad Scarlett." I looked down, "I won't let you fall." He said assuring me and I nodded. My hand glided over the brim of the rink slowly as I made my way closer to the entrance. My eyes drifted down to the floor and I stared at the frosty ice. I gripped tightly onto the edge and stepped on the ice slowly. I could feel my foot already struggling for balance and I gulped realising how long it's been since I'd been ice-skating. I stepped onto the ice with both feet and gripped the edge with both hands. "C'mon love." Andy offered, taking my hand. "Uh, the reason I wanted to come here besides as a way of apologising to you and making you laugh, I also wanted to conquer my fear of falling." I said softly and Andy looked at me sympathetically. "Scarlett, you don't have to do this?" I shook my head to disagree. I clenched onto Andy's hand tighter and slowly moved away from the edge. I could see Andy's evident smirk in the corner of my eye.

Andy swiftly changed his position so that his right hand held my right one tightly, as his left arm snaked around my waist; supporting me. We drifted around slowly for a little while before my confidence built up more and I only needed to lightly hold Andy's hand. I looked up at him and remembered the reason why he said that he needed to stay and protect me. He said that because of my scent other vampires would be lured to me, but I hadn't seen any so far. Did he lie to me? "Andy, when we first met, you said that my blood was appealing to vampires and that they'd come searching for me, but I haven't been attacked?" I questioned. Andy frowned slightly and led me to the side of the rink so we could talk. "I may have slightly lied. It's not all vampires. It's one particular vampire named Ashley. He's my brother... You know how I was born a vampire? Well, I share a lot of the same vampiric traits as the rest of my family. Each vampiric clan has a specific blood group that they're appealed to. Hence, if I'm so attracted to your blood, my brother could sense it and feel it too." He admitted.

"But why am I in danger if he can sense it? Why would he try and hurt me because of how you felt?" I questioned, confused. Andy looked down and sighed, "You know how I said that I burnt all of my bridges a long time ago? Well, my brother despises me because his now ex fiancé fell in love with me instead of him. I felt nothing for her but he was furious." He ran his hand though his hair and cupped my cheek. "Vampires emotions are heightened; different to a humans... When Ashley became furious at me, he didn't just yell at me, he burnt down entire villages." I felt a chill run down my spine, "I know that Ashley can sense how appealing you are to me Scarlett and if he wasn't scared of me, I know that he would attack you. I can sense that he's just waiting until I leave your side before he takes you for himself. It'd be worse if he found out how much I loved you..." He admitted and caressed my cheek softly.
"But why did you lie and say that there were many more vampires after me?" I asked. Andy's expressions softened and his blue eyes looked sad, "I'm not sure, I guess I was worried that if I told you there was only one vampire after you, you wouldn't be scared and you wouldn't want me to protect you..." I chuckled slightly at his reasoning. "Andy I'm still scared of your abilities, having any vampire chasing after me would mean that I need protection." Andy smiled, "You're still scared of me?" He asked and I returned the smile, "No, only your dark side, but in saying that, I know that you'd never physically hurt me."

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