Yearn For His Return

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As I was driving Xavier back to my house, I was still confused as to why I was allowing this. Maybe my subconscious knew that I needed help and human presence?

In my peripherals I saw him glance at me briefly, before returning his eyes to the road. "So how's your love life been lately?" he asked curiously.

I took a deep breath, "Um... to say the least, I fucked up and it's been really difficult lately." I admitted.
God, I missed him so much.

"Want to go into details?" he nosily asked. I didn't particularly want to cry whilst I was driving so I just shook my head, "Uh, can we change the topic please? I'm sorry it's just a hard topic for me right now." I said apologetically.


When we arrived back at my house Xavier helped me unpack my bags and he stopped at my doorway, "Can I be invited in?" he asked, and that's when I became slightly concerned. I didn't think that Xavier was a vampire, but the way he phrased his sentence- I was interrupted, "I said, can I please be invited in?" he said somewhat demandingly. I looked into his eyes and nodded, surely I was just being paranoid...

Xavier took it upon himself to start putting my groceries away for me, "Thank you." I said, smiling. "No worries, you sit down." He said gesturing to one of the chairs in my kitchen. I took my seat and watched as he swiftly put everything in the pantry or fridge. His hair was actually quite long and his appearance was so stylish. Much like Andy's fashion, black was certainly his go to.

"You've got a nice house here, Scarlett," he said politely and I smiled, "Thank you. It's funny, my mum can afford to pay for this place but not for my education." I muttered, remembering my mum- the dream crusher.

He had a saddened expression on his face and walked over to me gracefully. "Such a beautiful girl like yourself deserves everything the world can offer, so it's sad for me to hear that," he replied. His cold hand gracefully made its made to my face and he caressed it softly. I know that he was only trying to be comforting, but I was feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"You should tell me more about your past relationship," he commanded. I frowned slightly and became kind of scared at the tone that he was using, but when I looked into his eyes I started talking, "His name was Andy and he meant everything to me, but he was dangerous..." I trailed off, "How so?" Xavier asked pleadingly, "He was a vampire." I said, not being able to control myself and trusting him completely, "And he told you that?" Xavier asked and I replied with a nod.

He smiled, "You've been most helpful my dear," he said softly and his long arm glided behind me and stood me up so that our faces were almost touching. "How about a kiss to show my thankfulness?" he said and leaned in before I could react. I saw his lips approaching mine quickly and as much as I didn't want to kiss him, my body was still leaning in. I tried so hard to pull away but our lips were practically almost touching.

Suddenly, just before our lips met, I could barely comprehend it but I saw Xavier thrown across the room. I looked over at him and he was resting on the floor trying to get back up. After realising what had happened, my heart stopped and I hoped that was I was thinking was correct...

My eyes slowly scanned from the left where Xavier had been thrown and to the right. My heart was going to beat out of my chest and each beat of my heart accentuated as I gazed up at the figure I'd hoped to see.

There he was, looking as perfect as always. He looked worn out. His long hair was messy and it looked as though he hadn't showered in a long time. Yet despite that, he somehow managed to still look flawless. I was in complete shock and awe at his presence, I didn't even know how to breathe. Whilst staring at Xavier his expression was so angered but when his eyes met mine it softened completely and I realised how much I needed him and how happy I was to have his presence around me once again. I was still stunned that he was here, but I didn't even care.

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