Just Lust

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Thankfully my dreams had been peaceful throughout the night. I took a deep breath in and realised I was so comfortable. I cuddled the black sheet to me more and snuggled closer to a lump beside me. In my drowsy state I assumed that it was just a pillow, so I nestled my head into it more. My legs were entwined with what seemed to be the sheets and I didn't want to wake up just yet.

An odd, familiar scent entered my nostrils and I was completely enticed by it. I didn't particularly know what it was though. I inhaled once again and it was a mixture of cologne- hold on... my eyes slowly fluttered open and I noticed that what I was cuddling was definitely not a pillow. It was Andy. I hastily tried to move away but just like last night he held me in place. Even in his sleep he was still stronger than me.

I knew Andy was still sleeping and I took this as my chance to stare at him. My head was at his chest and as I peered up to his face I noticed how sharp his jawline was and immediately my body began to tingle as I admired him. I lusted for him so badly, I couldn't help but feel so attracted to him; it was as if his appearance had no evident flaws. The events of last night started to reply in my mind and I realised how many fights we've been in, in the short time we've known each other. I also remembered my bitchy actions yesterday and I doubt he could fully forgive me. I knew that I felt something for Andy, and I wasn't totally sure if it was just lust, but I knew that I would never admit to it. I knew that if I was to be in a relationship with Andy he'd find someone better, leave me because of how difficult I can be, or he'd get killed and I'd still be separated from him; there was no point buying into the inevitable.

Andy's arm hugged me tighter and the feeling of his touch felt so amazing. Every time that his body pressed against mine my stomach would do flips and I couldn't explain it. He rustled some more and I knew that he was starting to wake up. His eyes slowly opened and he observed his surroundings. His eyes landed on me and he smirked, "Well good morning," he said smirking. His deep, husky morning voice drove me insane. I rolled my eyes at him and moved my face so that it was nearer to his. "You're not mad at me?" I questioned.

Andy furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "I'm actually quite furious at you. I remember a bit about yesterday. Thankfully the part where you apologised and said that you didn't actually love that fucker." I couldn't read Andy's expression, so I didn't know if he'd forgiven me yet. He pulled me closer to him and I let out a barely audible whimper; he made me feel some sort of way and I hated that I had no control over it. I then tensed up slightly and I could feel Andy's uh... stiffness against my thigh and I bit my lip, trying to control myself.

Andy obviously noticed my discomfort so he excused himself and left my room. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks and I loathed myself for buying into his charm.

It's just lust, I repeated to myself and shook my head. Since Andy had left the room, I decided to quickly get changed. I walked over to my cupboard and picked out a short black dress. Andy was nowhere in sight and so I started undressing myself.

Just as my top and pants were off I heard the door open abruptly, "So I guess I can forgive- oh fuck." Andy said, noticing what I was doing. His eyes went wide and I could tell that he was enjoying the view. I don't know why he was, my appearance was barely flattering. I hated the way I looked for the most part and I was so embarrassed that Andy had seen me this way. My body was no more than average. Average weight, height, hair... the list goes on.
"Andy get the fuck out of here!" I yelled, feeling even more self-conscious. I was thankfully still wearing a bra and panties, so unfortunately for him he didn't get to see too much. I quickly covered myself with my dress and gestured for him to leave.

"But I don't wanna leave..." Andy said and pouted, but I didn't buy into it and raised an eyebrow at him. He gave in, rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

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