Completely His

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I stared down at his hopeful eyes and removed my hand from my mouth to speak,


I said shakily and Andy's nervous grin turned into an uncontrollable smile. I couldn't believe that he had just proposed. I could barely breathe and as my eyes met his I just wanted to cry. He stood up and grabbed my left hand, "Sweetheart, I love you so much." He said shakily as he placed the most beautiful ring that I'd ever seen onto my ring finger. I stared at it, not being able to control my smile and I kissed him passionately.

His soft lips felt absolutely amazing and I knew that he would never hurt me so badly ever again. His lips moved perfectly against mine and I felt even more connected to him. I felt as though we were one person and all I wanted to do was make love to him. His large hands moved me closer to him and I wrapped both of my arms around his neck. Both of us were smiling frenziedly and I could feel how happy he was. My heart felt as though it was going to beat out of my chest.

When we finally released from each other, I stared into his eyes which were bluer than I'd ever seen them. I fell deeper in love with his eyes and I knew that he was overjoyed, "I was so scared that you'd say no..." He said softly and kissed my lips again. He broke away and I smiled, "Of course I'd say yes. Andy, you have to understand that this was inevitable, it was bound to happen at some point. I love you so, so, so much." I assured and kissed him passionately again. I couldn't get enough of his kiss and I just wanted the feeling to never end.

"We don't have to get married right away, I just wanted to promise to you that I'm never leaving again." He said calmly and I smiled, "I know."

I stared down at my ring, "I don't know what Damien's going to say..." I trailed off and thought about the judgement that everyone would express, but I honestly didn't care at that moment in time. "It doesn't matter." He said and kissed me deeper.

(A/N: *WARNING* Smut ahead.)

His tongue forced its way into my mouth quickly and he aggressively pushed me back into a tree and started kissing down my neck.

Something had clicked inside of me, and I knew that today was the day that Andy and I were finally going to make love to each other. I moaned slightly at how great the open kisses that he was leaving on my neck felt and I moved his hips closer to mine. Both of our hips moved together perfectly and I knew that Andy was trying his hardest to be gentle, "Mmmm, baby, I want you so bad." He groaned and I moved his face back up to mine to join our lips together again. It felt so good and it reminded me of our first kiss and how great it felt.

Andy and I's bodies could not have been closer and it was apparent that our lust was combining together and that we both needed the same thing. It wasn't a feeling of wanting him anymore, I literally needed him.

Andy wasn't moving fast enough and I had to feel his skin against mine. I took his jacket off of him quickly and then ripped his shirt off, not even caring about how I'd ruined it. The buttons ripped off so easily, and even I was surprised with my aggressive actions.

Andy stared down at his ripped clothing and smirked seductively, "I liked that shirt." He stated darkly through a smirk and gave me no time to respond because he smashed our lips together again. His wandering hands soon came dangerously close to where I needed them to be and I could barely describe how amazing it felt. As his hand trailed over my heat, I moaned softly and bit my lip, but he removed his hand and I let out a sad moan, "Hmmm... I think a bed would be more comfortable." He said darkly and I nodded.


Andy had me on his back and we reached the house within a mere minute. He opened the door abruptly and I knew that he was too turned on to even care if Amy saw what state we were in right now. He dragged me through the house by my hand and when we reached our bedroom, he pushed me backwards somewhat harshly, causing me to giggle.

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