Stranger In The Night

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My body had laid asleep for hours and yet my mind could not sleep. The pain in my chest erupted further with my frustration as my controlled, zombielike body got ready for the day.

Every single movement that I made was controlled and even though I tried to break free it was no use.


I continued peacefully sorting the books, but my progress was halted when I saw a guy walking through the store reading the blurbs of books and trying to find something that intrigued him. I stared at him from behind my bookcase and admired his appearance. He was extremely tall and had quite a slim figure. 

He had to have been at least six foot and two inches tall... His jawline was sharper than a blade and it seemed as though all of his facial features were somewhat... perfect? What was I saying? I was never usually like this but I couldn't stop myself from staring. Everything about his appearance was flawless...

Damien appeared behind me and chuckled softly, "If you keep staring like that, I'm going to have to mop up your drool, and I don't particularly feel like doing that," he whispered in my ear, laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't staring." I said defensively and returned to my sorting. Damien chuckled, "I'm sure you weren't." He remarked and walked into the back room.


My brain started recalling the memory of when I first saw him. I felt so connected to him and at the time I didn't even realise how much he'd ever mean to me. I stifled a giggle to myself as I remembered how rude he was on the day that I met him and how he appeared in my dreams, only to introduce himself in the most abrupt manner.

It was so odd to think that he was so rough and aggressive at that point in time...


Two strong arms lifted me onto my bed and I sat upright. He took his seat at the end of the bed and I kept silent momentarily as it looked as though he was recollecting his thoughts.

After a short moment I finally broke the silence, "What's your name?" I asked hesitantly, still scared after his aggressive actions last night.

His eyes met mine, "Andy." He spoke clearly. "Listen, I'm sorry for feeding off of you last night. I can get very... tempered at times; I tend to lose control when my anger arises and your scent is so appealing to me. I couldn't help myself." He admitted, looking slightly saddened about his actions, but he still kept his dominant composure.

"I-I'm scared of you." I softly admitted. I gulped and looked at the change in his expression. He looked sad that I felt that way, but he'd given me no reason to feel otherwise. I was so scared of him, he could lose his temper at any time and kill me... the thought sent shivers up my spine.


I focused on the fear that I felt when I met him and how it'd changed completely since then. When I first met him I was scared of him killing me or getting too angry. I was scared that he'd torture me or keep me all to himself. But now the only thing that I feared about Andy, was losing him.

I knew that he wouldn't take my loss of love for him well. I knew that he would do something reckless but I felt so helpless... I knew that this time it was different and that he wasn't coming back. 

I knew because he wasn't angry... he was upset. Looking back at his original actions and attitudes towards stress and losing me, his temper set him off but it was the only thing that pulled him back to me.

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