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Remus's P O V

that poor little girl hurt herself and would probably be dead right now if Charlie hadn't come when he did! I cant believe I didn't realise that Erica has been bed, chair and friendless for weeks and no one noticed. I feel terrible but I need more answers, especially about Sirius because I think he might be one of the main causes of all of this.

eventually, I get my chance and grab Erica, pulling her into an empty room before shoving Veritesirum down her throat and waiting a moment until talking,

"why did you really not tell your dad about what happened?"
"because he doesn't care about me"
"why do you think he doesn't care Erica?"
"because I'm not the oh so mighty harry potter, I'm a disgrace, a disappointment to him!"
"how has life changed since your dad came back, tell me what's happened"
"well, he broke out of Azkaban but he didn't come back, you  went away to teach, I was alone and I hated every second of it, but not because I was alone, I hated that dad chose to go straight to harry and watch him for moths on end but not to visit me, even for an evening, he came home eventually, he barely acknowledged me unless he was talking about his amazing god son even though his own flesh and blood daughter who believed in him all along was right there. he never even said hello to me... "
"why don't you put up a fight when he took away your room and stuff?"
I want dad to acknowledge me because he's happy with or proud of me, not because I'm some annoying bratty child who makes a fuss over the tiniest thing..."
"oh hunny!" I embrace the small  child in my arms, all of this was for one moment of her dads undivided attention? but I suppose it is something shes never had before. her dad was locked up for a crime he didn't commit and then spent a year on the run to find Peter and Harry. He didn't even say hello? That's just plain awful! How could my best friend be so oblivious to all this happening right under his nose? I mean his daughter just nearly committed suicide and I can't even tell him! She hasn't eaten a meal in weeks and has no bed! Its terrible thay he own father, my best friend, let this happen! She cares so much for what Sirius thinks but the truth is, Sirius Black doesn't think and he never has, he just does at he pleases without thinking of the effects it could have on others. And this time, the effect is that he's destroyed his little girl. Why she cares so much I don't know but something tells me this isn't going to stop until someone speaks to Sirius.

Molly calls us all down to dinner but I suddenly feel stupidly a wear of all the thing that Erica's missing out on and I know for a fact that Charlie is just the same. As usual, Sirius speaks to Harry, completely oblivious when Erica shuffles into the kitchen to pick up one of her drinks before leaving silently, Charlie and I exchange painful looks, we both know that she, we, cant go on like this!  she'll die and we cant let that happen.

after dinner, Charlie and I meet up once again in the drawing room to discuss the growing topic of Erica Black.
"we have to tell Sirius!"
"we promised her!"
"he's her father and the main cause of the problem, he has a right to know!"
"think about it, she wants his attention! she does everything he asks even though it's not healthy and she doesn't complain no matter what! she's desperate!"
"maybe, but we cant just tell on her Remus!"
"we have to! she's going to end up killing herself or where you not there earlier!"
"it was you who wasn't there for  her Remus! don't give me that sh..."
"hey! you dare say it and I'll tell your mother Charlie Weasley!"
"fine! but we cant tell Sirius, he wouldn't understand, he doesn't understand! and Erica would hate us!"
"but it's for her own good Charlie! you of all people should see that right now! she needs us and she needs her dad! its about time Sirius got his head out of is rear and took a good look at the damage he's done to the poor girl!"
"fine but we have to take Erica with us to tell him, she has to atleast be there!"
"okay! now?"
"no time like the present I suppose!"

we walk down to the bottom of the stairs and sure enough sitting there sipping her drink, is Erica. we ask her to follow us before leading her to the kitchen where only Sirius remains, Charlie pushes Erica into the chair opposite her father whilst I cast silencing and locking charms on the door. Charlie and myself each take a seat on a chair on either side of Erica.

"hello Remus, Charlie."
"Sirius, I'm afraid we aren't here to exchange pleasantries! "
"of course not Remus! well, why are we here then?"
"no! you promised me you wouldn't tell him, I don't want him to know and you know why!"
"what's going on Remus?"
"well we have something to tell you about your daughter!"
"well hurry up I have a meeting with Kingsley concerning Harry"
"see, I told you! just leave it! please?"
"no Erica! I won't leave it!"
"did you know that Erica has been taking classes from me since she was thirteen and that she has finished her schooling with flying colours several years early? or that she is an amazing Quidditch player? or that she stopped eating to meals and sleeping in a bed weeks ago just to please you? or that she cut her self? or that she did it again just earlier today? or that she nearly committed suicide this afternoon? or even that all of these thing and more have been happening right under your nose but you never noticed because you were too wrapped up in Harry to see? do you know how many times you've ignored her or yelled at her since you go here? or that you never even said hello to her when you got back??!!?!?!?!??!??!"
"Erica! your wrists, now!" she pulls up her sleeves and smirks, she's covered them up with muggle makeup! it looks like they're not there! luckily, Charlie seems prepared for this as be performs a revealing spell on her arms successfully revealing the cuts that littered her arms. she gapes obviously not expecting this to happen.
"speak to her Sirius! please?"
"fine Remus! ERICA! you don't do that ever again do you hear me? it's wrong and silly of you! if I find you doing this again then you will be in massive trouble!!! is that what you wanted to hear Remus?"
"no not real-"
"good now goodbye, I've got to go meet Kingsley!"

I sigh, turning to Erica, the sight before me shatters my heart. she's curled up in the corner of the room with tears streaming down her face and sobs racking her small body.

well that worked! not!...

Erica Black~Never Enough (1)Where stories live. Discover now