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that evening, it was once again Charlie who found Erica, she was curled up in the drawing room with a tear stained face and puffy eyes. he picked her up and placed her in his lap, conjuring up a bottle of fire whisky and two glasses as he went. offering her one of the now full glasses, he pulled her closer so that his face was buried in her hair. Excepting the glass and taking a sip from it, she managed to slow her breathing to a reasonable pace.

for the remainder of the night and well in to the early hours of the morning, they sat, cuddled, chatted and laughed together, just enjoying each others company until they finally fell asleep in each others arms at around five in the morning.

the pair were rudely awakened only a few hours later but Remus who entered the room to a sight of empty whiskey bottles and sleeping delinquents, he grinned to himself as he shook the oldest awake before moving on to the younger. both Charlie and Erica looked like rubbish from lack of sleep and no lack of alcohol, with big black bags under their eyes and pale chalk like skin, their positioning was adorable, Erica curled up on Charlie's lap with his arms wrapped tightly around her slim, even bony waist, Remus shuddered at the thought... it was all Remus could do to stop himself from squealing like a teenage girl. They moaned at him with croaky morning voices as he pulled apart the velvet curtains, allowing the early morning Sun to shine through the marked glass of the large window.

After a few hours, the pair were back to one hundred percent. The once again avoided everyone else in the house and hid out in the drawing room for the day until they fell asleep.

Erica Black~Never Enough (1)Where stories live. Discover now