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dad's yelling at me but I don't know what he's saying. I cant focus because its too loud but I am vaguely aware of dad leaving the room and Charlie and Remus leaning over me as I sit in the corner of the kitchen with my hands over my ears  rocking back and forth with tears running down my face. I'm pulled onto somebody's lap and rocked back and forth whilst they whisper sweet nothings into my ear, the other person rubs my back soothingly as I sob loudly into the first persons chest then someone forces something sweet tasting down my throat...

Charlie's P O V

Erica got herself into such a state that whilst she sat in Remus's lap sobbing I had to go find a calming potion, after I found the potion, I ran back into the kitchen to find them in the same place they were when I left, I tip Erica's head back and pour the potion down her throat. she chokes and continues to sob loudly for a few minutes before the potion starts to take effect. After about ten minutes, she slumps back into Remus's chest looking exhausted. he cradles her nearly limp body closer to his stomach as she curls into a loose ball in his lap. eventually her eyes begin to drift shut as Remus sways with her in his hold, finally after nearly a hour of trying, she is fast asleep and both me and Remus breath a sigh of relief as we take her upstairs, I take her from him as we've been really close friends since we met. I take Erica into the room that I'm sharing with the twins and tuck her into my bed before sliding in next to her.

the next morning I wake up to a whimper and some not so quiet muttering,
"yes Gred?"
"who might this be in Charlie's bed?"
"no no look-y here, there's a girl..."
"a girl Gred, are you sure?"
"yes, look!"
"oh my!"
"she's awake!!!"

Erica curls into my side and whimpers into my chest and as I open my eyes, I can feel my  t-shirt grow wet with her tears. I look down at her panic stricken face as her pleading eyes flicker desperately between the twins and me. I decide to intervene as she has now started hyperventilating into my side, I sit up and pull her into my lap as she continues to sob quietly as I explain to the twins why she's here, well, I tell them that she got in a bit of a state yesterday... I love my brothers but i dont think Erica would want them to know about her daddy problems. We spend the rest of the day curled up in the warmth of my bed reading, chatting and drinking hot chocolate that she asked Kreacher for. I never thought I'd see the day but I think I've found someone that the house elf actually likes!

Erica Black~Never Enough (1)Where stories live. Discover now