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I wake up for the umpteenth time today, still curled up with Charlie. He looks down at me with a lazy smile stretched across his face, kissing my fore head, he pulls me closer to himself and covers up to our ears. We've spent all day locking ourselves in his room reading and joking with hot chocolate in constant supply from Mr Kreacher, our house elf, Mrs weasley won't allow him in the kitchen around meals so he can't give me food but he always could make a mean hot chocolate if you asked him nicely.

 I like Kreacher because I can relate to him, especially now, we've both been thrown aside and not given a chance because everyone else just assumes that another person is better at what we do. For me it was Harry but for poor Kreacher it came from Molly, she is controlling and motherly, apparently, but I prefer Kreacher and I like to think he prefers me.

 the portrait of my grandmother likes me too, she says its because I'm obedient and desperate to please my elders but I think it's because she never had a daughter and I'm the only one in the house who will talk to her instead of keeping her shut behind a curtain, I speak to my grandmother a lot when everyone else is too busy. she's nice company but from what I've heard, she was terrible when she was alive.

 Charlie and I finally decide that it's probably time to get up now or at least change into daytime clothes and go down to the drawing room so that's what we do, I change into a plain, long sleeved, baby blue top that is like three sizes too big for me and falls off one of my bones shoulders whilst finishing at my mid thigh and my comfortable plain black leggings with a pair of fluffy white socks on my feet and go to meet my friend on the landing so we can walk down together. I walk up to him slowly whilst rolling up my way too long sleeves, taking in his baggy black jumper and blue jeans.

 he slings his arm around my shoulder but out of the corner of my eye I see him cringe at the contact his arm makes with my sharp bone, we walk down to the drawing room and intertwine our legs as I lean into his chest and his arms wrap around my waist, we stay like that curled up on the sofa in the drawing room for a while until we hear Molly calling everyone to dinner, Charlie doesn't even blink. we sit there in the same position messing around and laughing together until Ron comes in saying that Charlie has to come down now or Molly will send Remus up instead of him, Charlie, bless him, still refuses to leave me. I must say, I do have a small crush on Charlie but he's 23 and I'm only 19

( the age working out is very rough, sorry, I know that his last year was a year before harry started Hogwarts so he's about eight years older than the golden trio, and they were about fifteen in the order of the phoenix so I think he would be about twenty three, right? )

 and he would never feel the same way about me, how could he, even my own father doesn't love me... my thoughts are interrupted by Remus walking into the room smirking slightly. "Charlie, Molly's going spare please come down, Sirius thinks she's about to blow..."
"Remus, it's not fair on her to be left alone again, no one notices when she stops eating completely but I miss one meal and my mother does her nut? it's not fair!"
I know Charlie, trust me I know but you need to come down now, Erica can come too."
"Erica, would you like to come down stairs with us?" I nod, deciding that Charlie shouldn't have to miss meals for me. 

once we get to the kitchen, Charlie sits down with remus and i take one of my muggle drinks out the fridge before taking a deep breath and tapping Charlie on the sholder to gain his attention, i lean forward to tell him I'm going back to the drawing room, he begins to protest to me leaving causing everyone else's attention to be re-directed towards me. I sign in frustration and yank my arm out of his grip, giving him a pointed look, I walk swiftly out of the kitchen avoiding eye contact of any kind.

 I seat myself on the second from bottom step just as the front door opens, I quickly jump back off my seat just in time to avoid the coat stand that filled my place not seconds after I'd vacated it! I gasp despite myself, I know it was Tonks but it made a loud bang when it landed that I panic and my whole body goes straight onto auto pilot. I quickly bend over and put the coat stand back in place as the kitchen door swings open, banging against the wall behind it with the force. dad walks swiftly to the door to hug Tonks, shoving me on to my hands and knees on the floor as he passes me. the tears burn my eyes again as I watch my dad embrace his favrioute cousin with such love and pride and I cant help but feel jealous of everyone in the house as I watch the simple scene that I know I will never get to experience first hand. 

Erica Black~Never Enough (1)Where stories live. Discover now