Chapter 1

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     Chapter 1   

        "Ellie!" an all too familiar voice screeched into my ear. I slammed my locker shut and turned to address my best friend, Beth Autumn.

        To say she was pretty would be an understatement. Yes, this phrase is so cliche, but it's the truth. She was absolutely gorgeous, with hazel eyes, a slim figure, and jet-black hair that cascaded down her back in perfect curls. She was a Senior, a year older than me, and knew almost everyone in this school.

    "Beth! I missed you so much!" I said, grinning at her. She returned the grin and proceeded to squeeze the air out of my lungs by giving me a bone-crushing hug.

 "You saw me the day before yesterday, idiot," she grinned while crushing me.

    "Let me breathe woman!" I squeezed out and pushed her off me. She just laughed and steadied herself, glaring at me playfully.

         Beth was kind of in the popular ladder in Western Heights, the High School we both attended. Every girl wanted to be like her, and every guy wanted to be, well, with her.

     Sometimes, even I got slightly jealous of her perfect looks. Well, it was more of wistfulness than jealousy... I'm just being honest. But I get over my wistfulness almost as soon as I even think about it. We've been best friends since diaper days, and I love her a lot. She's like the sister I never had.        

         My parents were both doctors, (My dad used to be, before he passed away) and so was Beth's Mom, which was how we even knew each other. Even her older brother was studying to be a doctor.

   "El, you look different today," Beth said, looking me up and down. "Almost lady-like." She burst out laughing at her lame joke, and I rolled my eyes at her. She was laughing hysterically now, holding on to my arm for support. I pulled my arm away from her grip, and glared at her.

   "Hey Beth, you look like a deformed monkey on drugs," I replied. Much to my dismay, she laughed harder, clutching her stomach as if she was in pain. She might as well be, considering how hard she was laughing. I couldn't take in her silly position anymore.

         I burst out laughing as well, both at our lame jokes and at her laughing and clapping her hands like a retarded seal. We probably looked like utter fools, but I didn't care. We both finally calmed down eventually.

   "You know, I actually meant it when I said you look different," Beth said, actually looking serious.

  My eyes widened. "You mean I didn't look like a lady before?"

   "You know El, I sometimes wonder, if you really do have some knowledge, or you just pretend to be all smart. Idiot, I meant that you look really nice. Not that you didn't look nice before, but, as in nice nice, you know?"

  "No, I don't know Beth. What are you trying to say?" I exclaimed, exasperated.

  "You look drool-worthy."

  My cheeks flushed bright red at her comment. I squirmed uncomfortably. "What the heck, Beth! Who uses words like that? That doesn't even make sense, anyway. You saw me almost every day during the summer! I can't suddenly change and be 'drool-worthy.' " 

I always admired Beth's bluntness, but at times like this, I wished she wasn't so frank.

        Beth just laughed at my expression, and said, "I use words like that. And it does make sense. You're beautiful, and you've never acknowledged that fact. You just look more grown up than last year, is all."

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