Chapter 13

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   Chapter 13

I tried my best to hold in my laughter as I took in his bewildered expression. He'd apparently caught the pillow when it tumbled out of my window. As I continued looking at him, he turned the pillow in his hand, and seemed mesmerized by it. I couldn't help it. A giggle escaped my lips.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth, and quickly pulled my head in before he saw me. I slowly walked back to my bed, slumped down next to Beth, who was staring at me in confusion, and burst into full-fledged laughter. Now it was my turn to roll over in my bed, still laughing my ass off.

  "His....face.." I gasped out between my hysterical laughs. "You should've...seen his...face...Beth!" I fell into a fit of laughter again, his mesmerized face still in my mind.

  "What are you talking about, El? Who's face?" Beth asked, confusion clear in her voice. I couldn't reply to her because of my laughter, so I simply pointed at the window. She frowned, but got up and walked to the window and stuck her head out. She turned to look at me after a few seconds, with a raised eyebrow. I calmed down enough to ask her what she saw.

 "Uh..nothing? Was I supposed to see something?" she raised her eyebrow again.

  Now it was my turn to be confused. "You didn't see Ace down there?" I asked, getting up to go see for myself. She was right, there was no one standing outside my window. Huh? Where did he go? He can't have taken my pillow with him, right? 

  Beth let out an incredulous laugh. "You okay there Ellie? You just said Ace. Why would I see Ace down there?"

 I turned away from the window after a few more seconds of looking around. "Oh, sorry. Did I ever tell you, that Ace lives next door?" I said sheepishly. Beth's eyes widened in astonishment. Then she narrowed her eyes at me. "Haha...ha. I forgot to tell you. I've even been in his house before...once. Wait, no. Twice, I think," I pulled on a thoughtful expression, trying to pretend that I was lost in thought.

   Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Beth walked to me with a 'now you tell me?' look on her face. I fiddled a little, still trying to keep up my act of being lost in thought. That is, until Beth smacked me on the head. "OW!" I yelled out, touching my head where she smacked me. "You crazy woman! I could've gotten a concussion!"

   "Shut up, before I smack you again." I shut up. "Why the hell did you not tell me about Ace? Is there anything else that you haven't told me?" She glared at me, making me squirm a little. I shrugged in a nonchalant way, and walked to my bed, slumping down on it. 

   "Don't you trust me anymore?" She walked over to me, and tried to act playful. But...I could see the slight hurt in her eyes. My eyes widened, and I rushed to explain to her that that wasn't the case.

  "No Beth! Of course I trust you, you idiot! If I didn't trust you, do you really think I would've told you everything about..Luke? I just... I don't know. I've kind of been busy, and so have you. It just slipped out of my mind," I told her truthfully. 

  "What did you forget to tell me? That the guy that you like lives next door, or the fact that you liked that guy?" She asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  "That he lives next door...."  

Heavy silence fell in the room.  

  "WHAT!" I exclaimed, sitting upright on my bed, staring at Beth, realizing what she had just said. "I....." I trailed off, Beth's words from earlier flashing into my mind. Don't you trust me anymore.

    I hadn't told Beth about what I had realized that one night; that I really liked Ace. If I told Beth, she would probably make fun of me. But.. she's my best friend. And I should trust her. I decided then that I would tell her. But not so easily.

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