Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"What happened to her?!"

"She hit her head twice. Once with a ball, and the other time on the ground. Well, the ball hit her front, and the ground the ba-"

"Shut up!" I was being dragged out of consciousness slowly. I heard two male voices talking. They sounded worried and annoyed at the same time.

"You asked me what happened, and I answered you."

"Listen, thank you very much for bringing her here, but now you can leave. I'll take care of her," the voice, which sounded very familiar, said rudely to the other person. Was that Jason?

"It's not like I chose to come here anyway," the other voice said, matching the rudeness of the first one.

"Look, kid-"

        I groaned in pain, and tried to open my eyes. Where was I? Why did my head feel like it was about to explode? I slowly opened my eyes, and met my brother's worried face. I looked around, and noticed that I was in the health room, lying on the bed, while Jason was hovering over me with a worried look on his face.

 I tried to say something, but a sharp pain in my cheek made me wince, and shut my mouth again. I reached up to cup my face, and my fingers touched the rough material of the gauze. 

 "What...happened?" I managed to spit out, my hand still holding on to my cheek.

 Jason glanced behind me, and that's when I noticed the other person. Hazel-eyes. What was he doing here?

 "Don't you remember the soccer game?" Hazel-eyes asked me with his deep and sexy voice, which held only a hint of amusement and -worry?- in his voice. Sexy voice? You probably hit your head pretty hard Ellie. The soccer game slowly came back to me, and I remembered what happened. 

        I tried to get up, but Jason's firm but gentle hand pushed me back down. "Mom's going to come and pick you up soon. Obviously, I can't leave school, or else I would've taken you straight to the hospital. The school nurse took care of you though. Mom freaked out when she heard you blacked out." 

        I groaned yet again. This was not good. "What is it El? Does something hurt?!" Jason's worried voice cut through my thoughts, and I gave him a genuine smile. Well, I tried to, anyway. Instead, I hissed in pain, my hand shooting up to my cheek and cupping it again.

 "You might wanna keep your face straight," Hazel-eyes' deep voice said.

 Mine and Jason's head snapped towards him. Jason stood up, and started walking towards him. Oh no. No no no, Jason looked mad. If Jason's mad, then this will not be good. At all. He had a nasty temper, one which I've experienced before.

 I had to stop him before he did something to Hazel-eyes. "Jason, stop. Please Jas- Ow!" I gripped my head as a sharp pain pierced through it. Both Jason and Hazel-eyes' attention snapped towards me, and Jason was by my side in an instant.

"I'm so sorry Ellie! I didn't mean to do it! Sorry!" Jason repeatedly apologized, and I covered his mouth to shut him up.

"You didn't do anything. Just shut up, it'll help me if you do," I replied. Jason shut up immediately after that, and sat there silently.

   There was an awkward silence in the room, and I glanced at the other guy, to notice he was looking at me. I ducked my head down a little, suddenly feeling nervous, and my stomach started flipping as I still felt his gaze on me.

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