Chapter 24 Part I

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Chapter 24 - Part I

Ellie's P.O.V

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the slightly creaky and rusty door open and stepped in. Once I fully stepped into the smelly, dusty, filled with cobwebs and spiders, room, the whole weight of what I was about to do fully registered in my mind.

I hadn't even thought of anything and just took off from my house, with no help, no phone, and worst of all, no idea who I would have to deal with. Too late to think about all that now. I've already crossed all levels of idiocy.

When Jason and I had stepped into the building, we hadn't actually been able to check out the whole thing. We had just checked out a few rooms and figured that the place was pretty huge and there were tons of rooms.

Out of nowhere, a spider dropped down in front of my face, dangling on its cobweb. I screamed, backing away rapidly. I stumbled onto a broken chair on the floor, and fell backwards with a loud thud.

I groaned as pain shot up my spine. I got up nevertheless, and quickly made my way through the building, wandering around in the dark rooms aimlessly. Mom, I really hope you're alright. I thought silently, praying to God that she was, indeed, alright.

After about what felt like an hour, but was really only about five minutes, I stumbled into a room filled with light. The bright light blinded me momentarily, and when my eyes adjusted to the light, I could make out broken furniture strewn here and there, all dusty from age.

I cleared my throat. "Mom?" I called out tentatively, my heart thudding in my chest.

I stepped in further into the room, and as I did, another light flashed on right above me. I narrowed my eyes, trying to remove the spots dancing in my vision.

"I can't believe you really came, Elora. I was beginning to think you were actually gaining sense, since you're ten minutes late, but it seems you are still as naive as before."

I froze completely, not being able to move. I knew the voice. Of course I knew the voice. But it couldn't be. I whirled around, and my jaw dropped slightly, and fear came back full force.

"Well, hello there, babe. Long time no see," Luke chuckled darkly, taking a step forward. I, of course, took a step back.

"W-where's my Mom?" My voice wavered as he took another step forward. "What did you do to her?" Another step.

At that, Luke let out a long and hearty chuckle. My mind instantly flashed to those movies where the villain has the evil laugh perfectly mastered. Seems like he had mastered it as well.

"Ahh...I knew you would jump into action without thinking it through. I know you so well, Elora. It's a shame I have to force you to do anything. I would have enjoyed being with you without force. I think." He chuckled once again.

I stepped back. "I don't know what you're talking about. Where is my Mom?!" I all but shouted.

The dark playfulness in Luke's eyes vanished. All traces of mirth gone, he covered the distance between us in three long strides, pushing me roughly into the wall. I shrieked in pain.

Luke grabbed my face in one of his hands, squeezing my cheeks painfully. "You don't talk to me like that, understood?" I looked down on the floor, my eyes filled with tears. "UNDERSTOOD?!" He put more pressure on my cheeks with his fingers, and I screamed out a quick 'yes'.

"Good." He let go of my cheeks and stepped maybe an inch backwards.

Taking a deep breath, I cautiously looked up. "W-where's my M-mom? Please let her go, you c-can keep me here, just let my Mom go," I pleaded.

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