Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


I didn't reply. I was staring off, deep in suspicious thoughts. Nick was a new student. He lied about being here since Freshmen year. Unease washed over me, and I frowned, trying to understand why he would do that.

He was also quick to explain how he knew Luke. Too quick, actually.

There was something suspicious about Nick. And I was going to have to find out what.

There was no sign of Luke this whole day either. I caught a glimpse of Nick a couple of times, and he waved, but I mostly tried to stay away from him. All the seniors got their year books today, and nothing exciting really happened.

I spent some time with Beth, Ace, and the rest of the boys after school in my house (or more like they spent time with me), and after that, Beth and I finished my homework when they left.

Beth stayed with me after everyone else left, and she suddenly looked up from her phone. I gave her a questioning look.

"We got our year books today! I can't believe I forgot!" With that, she jumped from my bed to fish her year book out of her book bag. I shook my head and went back to studying for my Math exam for tomorrow.

"There's Angelino... Zach... Jayden... Me... Oh my God!" She yelled out suddenly. I glanced at her in surprise.

"What now?" I asked, irritated. "I'm trying to study here."

"I look horrible!" She wailed, glaring at the year book. I sighed.

"If you interrupt me one more time, Beth, I'll just kick you out. I need to study," I replied seriously, but she just laughed at me.

"No you don't. You're a nerd. And anyway, don't you want to see Ace's picture?" She wiggled her eye brows at me suggestively. I glared at her, but it was half-hearted. She knew she had already caught my attention by mentioning Ace.

I tried to ignore her anyway. "I'm not a nerd." I went back to my book, but out of the corner of my eye, I watched Beth get up from the floor, and come plop down next to me, practically shoving the year book in my face.

"Look, I look horrible, and this is my last year!" She whined, and I sighed, putting my Math book down on the bed next to me. I adjusted my position by sitting criss-crossed, and leaned over her shoulder, trying to see her picture.

"You look fine. More than fine, you make everyone else look dull on this page," I laughed lightly, patting her back.

"You're my best friend, obviously you're going to say that. Whatever, let's look for Ace. I'm sure you're dying to see his picture," she laughed as I blushed and mumbled a 'no I'm not.'

She flipped two pages, and I spotted his picture before she did. He was wearing a graduation gown, as all the seniors were supposed to for the pictures. Our colors were bright yellow and blue; yellow for girls and blue for the boys.

The blue hat and gown complimented Ace's hazel eyes very well. It was a bright blue color, so even his eyes' gold flecks were slightly visible. I smiled as I noticed the dimple on his left cheek.

"God, El, you're a total goner," Beth's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I scowled at her and moved back, putting distance between us. "Let's look at your picture," she laughed.

"I don't want to," I mumbled quietly, grabbing my Math textbook again.

"Oh, here you are! You look beautiful. I wish I looked as good as you," Beth gushed, pushing the year book in front of me again.

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