Chapter 15

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       Chapter 15

   Ace left after staying a few more hours, watching the movie in comfortable silence and eating the pizza we'd ordered. To be honest, I had a lot of fun, with him passing snide remarks every now and then about the movie, and me smacking him on the arm every time he did so.

      Right now, I was bored out of my mind because Beth wouldn't listen to me when I told her we'd watch something other than the scary movies she picked out after paranormal activity ended.

  She was dead set on watching the next two movies of paranormal activity. "Com'on Beth!" I groaned in annoyance, trying to convince her to watch something else before she put the movie in.

    "Nope!" she chirped happily, picking the remote to start the movie. I huffed in defeat and slumped my head down on the arm rest. "Hmm..I think...."

   I sat up quickly, staring at her hopefully. "You think...?" I urged her on. Say you think you wanna watch something else. Pleasepleaseplea--

  "I'll give you two options," she told me, a smug expression on her face.

 Uh-oh. This can't be good. I narrowed my eyes warily. "I already know the first option is watching this horrible piece of crap. What's the other?"

   Beth shot me a glare. "Just because you're a scaredy-cat, doesn't mean that this awesome movie should be a piece of crap."

  "Yeah, whatever. Other option?" I waved my hand dismissively.

  Now, a grin broke into her face. "There's this party-"

 "Nope! Nope nope nope. I'm staying with the first option," I quickly cut her off, snatching the remote from her and turning the movie on.



  "Listen to me-"


  "Stop cutting me o-"


"You listen to me, and listen to me well," This time, I couldn't cut her off, because before I could even open my mouth, Beth came over to me and slapped her hand over my mouth.

  "I know all the people in this party Ellie, it's going to be really fun! We're not going to be left out or anything, if that's what you're worrying about," she pleaded with me, giving me that puppy-dog look. 

 I slapped her hand away from my mouth, shooting a glare at her. "You know I hate parties!" I said angrily. Beth flinched at the harshness of my voice. I took a breath in, trying to calm down. "Sorry. I didn't mean it to come out so harshly," I apologized quietly.

   "It's okay Ellie. In fact, I should be the one apologizing. I mean, I've known how much you hated parties know...Luke. Well, anyway, I shouldn't force you like that," she said with remorse. "I mean, um, I really wanted to go to the party...but your brothers....I promised them I'd stay with you, so I can't leave unless you come."

    Now I knew exactly what she was doing. She was playing the guilt-card. And believe me, it was working, even though I knew what she was doing. " know exactly why I don't like parties. In fact, you just mentioned it yourself!"

   "I know," she shrugged. "That's why I said sorry. 'Cuz I'm here to kind of watch over you for your brothers, and I can't leave you alone. I just suggested it because I wanted to go."

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