Chapter 5

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   Chapter 5

"Ms. Ewlden, could you kindly move out of the way and find a seat, please?" The teacher's voice floated up to me.

 A few students snickered, making me flush with embarrassment. I made my way to the middle, trying not to stare at Ace.

    Beth followed me, but before I could sit down, she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the back. No no no no! HE was at the back. I didn't want to sit with him. Who knows what embarrassing incident would take place?

    "Can't resist me, Princess?" My head snapped towards him, and my eyes narrowed to slits.

  "Don't. Call. Me. Princess," I all but growled at him. I have no idea why, but his remarks seem to rile me up. He flashed his famous smirk at me, and patted the seat next to him. I scoffed. As if I would sit next to the jerk (he really wasn't that much of a jerk). I turned around, my back facing him, and proceeded to sit two seats away from him.

     Before I could move, Beth simply blocked my way, and pushed me onto the seat next to Ace. I stumbled ungracefully onto the chair, and flushed a deep red. I glared at Beth, and she smiled sweetly at me. What kind of best friend does that? A demented one, for sure. Before I could get up and move-

  "Everyone, please have a seat. I'm Mr. Darlen, your Chemistry teacher, and this year we will be dealing with hazardous chemicals. Don't worry, you will all be equipped with safety clothing to cover yourself up. Now, each of you will have a partner, who you'll work with for the rest of the year." I glanced at Beth, and she gave a quick smile and a nod and turned to face the front.

      "You will not pick your own partners, I have already decided that you're desk buddy will be your partner." This earned groans from the whole classroom. I'm pretty sure mine was the loudest. This never used to happen before, so why now when I didn't want it to? I glanced at Ace, and saw that he was - as always - smirking. I noticed how he hadn't uttered a single sound.

     I squeezed my eyes shut in annoyance, and for the rest of the period, I tried to ignore him completely. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything for a long time. The teacher droned on and on about the rules and what we'll be doing and I completely zoned out. I might be a nerd, as everyone called me, but that doesn't mean I have to take notes on everything I heard.

     A tap on my thigh jerked me out of my thoughts. I looked up, and noticed Ace looking at me. My heart beat accelerated, and I tried to play cool. He suddenly leaned in close to me, our faces only inches apart. My breath hitched in my throat at his sudden and close proximity. He turned his head slightly to my right, and I had to suppress a shudder caused by his minty breath fanning my cheek.

   "Do you..." he whispered, and stopped, not completing his sentence. Unconsciously, I leaned in even more, our cheeks almost touching, sending sparks where our skin would touch if I moved just a few inches forward.

  "Do I what?" I whispered, even though I had no idea why I was whispering. It just seemed right to do at that moment. And probably because we were still in class. 

 "Do you have an extra pencil?" He whispered, then burst out laughing at my stunned expression. All that whispering, only for a stupid pencil? All heads turned towards us, and I found myself shrinking in my seat in embarrassment.

  "Mr. Horris, do you have anything to share with the class?" Mr. Darlen glared at him. He composed himself, placing his hands behind his head comfortably, before replying in a serious voice.

    "No, sir. Ellie here was telling me about how she knew all the rules and that you're just wasting your time and ours by giving us a boring lecture."

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