Chapter 4

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   Chapter 4

"Ellie. Ellie, wake up. If you don't wake up now, I'm just gonna ditch you again like yesterday. Ellie. Ellie! Wake up!"

    I was aware of the annoying voice of Jason trying to wake me up. I groaned, pulling my blanket over my head, and snuggled deeper into my pillow. 

     "Ellie, I don't have time to wait for you. You either get up, or I'll leave." Jason pulled the blanket off of me, exposing me to the chilliness of my room. I decided to ignore him and just lay still without my blanket on.

  "I didn't know you slept with only your panties on, little sister."

    I shot up at that, snatching my blanket and covering my lower half on instinct. Jason's loud snickers reached my ears, and I flushed a bright red, drowning in embarrassment.

   "!" He choked between his laughs. "Only you would not remember what you wore to bed, El." He chuckled and headed for the door. If it was possible, I blushed even more. 

"Oh, and you have only ten minutes to get your butt outside, or else I'm leaving you behind," he added and walked away.

      I jumped out of my bed and ran to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and splashed my face with cold water (leaving the gauze dry), dressed up in my baggy sweatshirt and skinny jeans, and was all ready with two minutes left to spare.

  I silently thanked myself for taking a shower last night; I mostly took showers at night because I knew something like this would most definitely happen to me (waking up with ten minutes left). Plus, my hair didn't need any tending, it was always decent, and I was proud of it. I put my hair in a bun, with some strands sticking out, and ran out of my room and down the stairs, slinging my back pack on. Grabbing an apple from the table, I hurried to the door. 

   "Elora, I'm going to be out for -"

   Mom's voice cut off as Jason revved up the engine, signaling me to hurry up. I didn't think what Mom was saying was that important, so I just yelled out a quick "Bye" and slammed the door on my way to the car. I got in, and Jason drove to School in less than ten minutes. We parked in the lot, and I was about to get out when Jason grabbed my arm.

    "I have soccer practice today, so I won't be able to give you a ride home. Go home with Beth, alright? I asked her, and she said she can give you a ride."

  I nodded, and turned to leave. "And El! Be careful out there. Next time I see you should be in your room or something, not lying unconscious on a bed," he added. I scowled at him and walked away. 

   As soon as I reached my locker, I saw Beth leaning against my locker casually, and I hurried up to her. I hadn't even reached her, when she began rambling on about how I was, why I didn't text her back, etc. "Relax Beth, I'm fine. It was nothing big, there's no need to worry," I assured her, but she just glared at me. "What?"

    "It was nothing," she imitated me with a high-pitched voice, earning stares from students passing us. "Did you see the way you fell on the ground? I was sure you were dead. God, you scared the crap out of me, Ellie!"

  I laughed nervously. "I'm okay. I mean, I was feeling totally fine, but you know Mom, she never listens to me. If I hadn't been dragged out of school, I would've attended all the classes." Okay, that was a total lie. But I wasn't going to admit that to her. She shook her head as we started heading for 1st period.  

   "But you know what, El? I would give anything to get hit by a ball if that means I get to be carried in a totally hot guy's arms. Like, really, I would give anything to be in his arms," she said dreamily. I just gaped at her. "I mean com'on, you should've seen the way he ran to you, picked you up like you weighed nothing, and practically ran inside the building," she continued.

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