Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

   "Why didn't you tell me we had gym with the boys?" I whisper-yelled at Beth as soon as I reached her. 

    "You didn't know?" Beth gave me an incredulous look. "I thought I texted you last night to bring an undershirt or tank top because our shirts are see through? And I told you the reason for it, which was us having gym with the boys?"

  I just stared at her dumbfounded. The shirt was see through. The shirt I was wearing was see through! I glanced down at my chest, and sure enough, my bright red bra was present as clear as the shining sun.

  Okay, I'm probably exaggerating but still! There were boys all around us, and everyone could clearly see what I was wearing under my white shirt.

   I groaned, and put my head in my hands. Why couldn't I have checked my phone last night? I had put it away in my backpack, knowing that I would forget to take it to school in the morning with me, because well, I'm forgetful. 

  "Do you have an extra shirt? You always do, please let me borrow it for today!" I frantically begged her.

   She smiled sheepishly at me. "I didn't think it would be necessary for today. I mean, it's the first day of school!"

  All my hopes were crushed. I trusted her. How could she do this to me! I'm her best friend, and - Okay, I'll stop now. I heaved a sigh, and turned to look at the other students. Beth and I were standing in the corner, and no one had noticed us yet.

    I looked around, searching for one particular face, when I finally spotted him. Hazel-eyes was standing with two other guys, who had this whole aura around them that spelled trouble.

   Now that I was having a good look at him, I noticed how muscular he looked. I couldn't avert my gaze from him. He was gorgeous. How did I not notice him before?

     Oh yeah, 'cuz I'm "Ellie the Lost One." Jason and Beth came up with this stupid title for me because they say that 'Im so lost in my own world, that I don't even notice any people around me.' I guess it's true.

   Suddenly, one of the guys that Hazel-eyes was talking to, turned his head and looked right at me. He was the one who pushed his friend into me. What looked like a smirk formed on his face, as he turned to Hazel-eyes and said something to him. 

   Hazel-eyes slowly turned around, and our eyes met. Even the other guy with both of them turned to look at me. I was in a trance. I couldn't move. They caught me staring. He caught me staring at him. Oh God, please kill me now!

    "Ellie?" Someone called my name, and a small gasp left my mouth. I whirled around to face the person, only to find Beth staring at me wide-eyed. "What's wrong, El? Are you alright? Did I do something?"

    Beth looked so worried, that it made me want to laugh. I'd totally forgotten that Beth was right next to me, and I was so caught up with staring at the guys, that her voice scared me half to death.

  "N-no, I'm fine. I you were a monster?" I stuttered lamely. I know it was lame; I said it so she wouldn't notice me oggling a guy across the field. She just gave me a blank stare. 

  "Why do you always say things that don't make sense at all? Sometimes, I worry about you Ellie." She gave me an exasperated look and shook her head.

"It's not my fault someone decides to scare me and then ask me what's wrong with me. How am I supposed to respond to that?" I frowned at her defiantly.

Just then, Ms. Kim came outside and told us to get ourselves to the front of the field. I glanced behind me, and Beth came up to me. We both walked to the front, and I felt slightly uncomfortable with the boys being with us.

   "Ms. Ewlden, did you not know about the gym shirt being see through?" Ms. Kim glared at me, and I shrunk back in embarrassment as the attention was called onto me. She had to call it into attention. That was Ms. Kim for you; if someone didn't follow her rules, she called them out in front of the class.

  I'd momentarily forgotten about my shirt problem, but of course, Ms. Kim had to bring it up. My cheeks reddened when the boys started noticing what Ms. Kim said. Many were glancing at me shamelessly. 

  "I-I...I forgot," I mumbled, lowering my gaze to the ground. I don't think it's even possible for anyone to have a face as red as mine. I slowly crossed my arms over my chest.

  Ms. Kim grunted. "I'll let you go this time Ewlden, but if this happens again, your points will be taken off." My jaw dropped. Points off for this?

 "Now everyone, listen up. Today we're going to start on soccer. We will be playing this sport until every single person here is able to play decently. So I suggest you all start on it, and no slacking off. At all."

     With that, she tossed the soccer ball at us and walked away. What the heck? She should at least teach us- I don't know how to play!

    We all just stood silently for a few seconds, and then one of the boys that I recognized from last year, Jack, suggested we get into groups.

   Since he suggested it, he was the captain of one team, and another guy stepped in and claimed that he's the other team's captain, since he plays soccer for the school team.

    The others all agreed, and the captains picked the other students to be on their team. I was in Jack's team, and Beth was in the other team. Suddenly, I noticed Hazel-eyes walking towards our team. My heart started beating faster as he came closer. 

    He stood a few feet away from me, and I was thankful that he didn't notice me. But then he glanced at me. A smirk formed on his lips as he glanced at my shirt. My cheeks flamed and I abruptly turned my back to him, making him chuckle. Such a pervert.

       Still, I peeked at him while the captains continued picking other students. He was immersed in a conversation with his friend who just came into our team. I took that as an opportunity to day dream about him. I still couldn't believe that I never noticed him before. He was just

   "Ewlden! Get going!" Ms. Kim's voice screamed from the doorway. With a jolt, I realized that the game had started. Stupid day dreaming. I couldn't even see the guy anymore. Or the ball.

   I got into my position - which consisted of just walking around like a dumb person - and spotted the ball. I wasn't really good at soccer. Any sport, really. I was scared of the ball hitting me. And it usually did. The only sport I was decent at was volleyball. Even then I always managed to hit myself in the face while serving the ball.

   I tried to look for the ball again, but couldn't find it. What the heck? How did I not notice where the ball went? I awkwardly stood there, searching for the ball, and slowly starting to walk away since I couldn't see it anywhere, and I'd probably only come in people's way.

        I saw Beth standing behind her team mates, obviously hiding from the teacher, and I waved at her, catching her attention. She grinned at me and started waving me over, when she abruptly stopped her hand mid-wave.

Her eyes grew wide, and she screamed "WATCH OUT ELLIE!" 

    On instinct, I whirled around, only to feel something hard crash right into my face. Whatever it was -  pretty sure that was the ball -  hit me with too much force. I stumbled backwards, holding on to my face. I could feel my consciousness slowly fading, and felt my knees give out.

   Everything was going blurry, and I couldn't make out anything in front of me. I felt something wet trickling down my cheek, and tried to fight back the blurriness.

   I heard someone call my name, and footsteps running towards me, but I was already sinking to the ground. My head hit the ground hard.

  Then I blacked out.

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