Chapter 7

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 Chapter 7

    I woke up to the obnoxious snoring of Angelino. 

I groaned in the darkness, mentally cursing Angelino for waking me up...what time was it? 

 I decided to head to the kitchen for some water and while there, I could check the time. I slowly lifted my head from...who was it? Oh yeah, Zach's lap, who was sleeping peacefully, and proceeded to get up.

      Unfortunately, I'd forgotten that my feet were resting on someone's lap, so the sudden movement of my legs had caused them to tangle in his thighs, making me jerk to the right. 

    Which meant I stumbled out of the couch, and onto...someone's body. My hands landed on top of a hard chest, palms facing forward, causing the person to let out a breathless "oomph."

 The person's large hands wrapped around my waist, and easily lifted me off of him. I was gently placed on the floor next to him.

   "Princess, is that you?" A hoarse and sleepy voice whispered in my ear, sending sparks through my body. The person was no doubt Ace. No one else called me that stupid nickname. It may be stupid, but you enjoy being called that, my conscience argued.

     It was true, though I'd never say it to him. His ego was probably on the edge of exploding, there was no need for me to expand it further. 

   I pushed myself up using my hands, and slowly got up, ignoring Ace's question. I mean, what was I going to tell him? Yeah, Ace, it's me, your Princess. No thanks, I'll pass.

      Besides, if it was someone in the room that had landed on top of him, I'm pretty sure he would've been suffocated by their weight. I'm pretty sure I'm not that heavy, and definitely not heavier than the boys. So of course, he probably already knew that it was me.

   I cautiously stepped forward in the darkness, and relaxed a little as no monster came out from the darkness. I took one more step forward, and felt something touch my toes.

    Before I could step backward, a hand grabbed my ankle, and pulled it so hard that my legs flew out of the ground, making me scream in terror and sending me sprawling on my back. My breath was completely knocked out of me. 

    The lights flicked on after a few seconds, displaying the scene in front of me.

  Angelino and Zach were both sitting upright on the couch, their eyes looking bloodshot. Jayden was lying next to me, holding on to my ankle, and Ace was crouching next to me, his hand frozen in mid-air, looking like a statue.

   I slowly got up into a sitting position.

    "What is going on here?" A female voice rang in the room. Jayden let go of my ankle and we all looked up, only to find a slightly grumpy-looking Sarah standing on the top step with her hands on her hips.

   My mouth dropped open. When did she come home? Did she see us sleeping like pigs in the living room?

  "Ellie, are you alright?" Her look changed into one of concern. I've been getting that look a lot, lately. I nodded, assuring her I was fine. She came down the rest of the steps. "I thought I heard you scream."

    I was abashed. How do I always manage to get myself into some sort of embarrassing moment?

   "I'm so, so sorry, Ellie, I didn't mean to trip you like that. You just startled me, and it was really dark, so I couldn't see anything. I'm sorry," Jayden looked so guilty, I almost felt sorry for him.

  I heaved a sigh. "It's okay Jayden, don't fret over it."

    The others all stayed silent, but out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Ace shoot a glare in Jayden's direction.

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