Chapter 18

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 Chapter 18

   "Ellie, Wake up! It's almost 1 p.m.!"

 I snuggled deeper into my covers. And then what Beth said registered into my mind. I jolted upright and removed the covers off of myself. Beth was standing by my bed with a spare towel that we kept for guests wrapped around her head. She'd just taken a shower.

  "I was the one who was wasted last night, and you're the one who wakes up later than me," she shook her head at me.

 I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand, and then turned to glare at Beth. "It's only 11 a.m! You liar!"

"Only? Only? That's even more of a reason for you to get the hell up! You should be helping me when I puke my guts out, not sleeping later than me!" she put her hands on her waist.

   My eyes widened. "That's....disgusting....but, are you okay? Did you puke?"

  "Nope. I wasn't that drunk. Although my head hurts like hell right now," she rubbed her temples and dropped down on my bed.

   "Then why did you say I should've helped you when you were puking your....never mind. Want an Advil?" I chirped happily.

  "Nope, already got one," she replied.

  "You know what? I'm going to brush my teeth and come back. It's just nasty talking without brushing my teeth," I muttered.

 " 'Kay"

 I came out of the bathroom five minutes later, feeling fresh. I smiled at her brightly, thinking of last night.

 "Why do you look so happy?" Beth asked suspiciously.

  I let out a nervous laugh. How the heck do I tell her about Ace and me? "Umm....I don't to say it."

 "Are you pregnant?"

  "What! NO!" my cheeks burned a deep red. I could see myself in the mirror.

 "Did you have se-"

   "NO!! Shut up!" I swear I've never been more embarrassed before. "Don't even finish that sentence!"

  "Okay...did you-"

 "Ace asked  me to be his girlfriend."

There was a heavy silence in the room as Beth stared at me with a gaping mouth.

  I'm pretty sure Beth was silent for two full minutes before a big grin erupted on her face. She squealed like a little kid and jumped up from my bed.

   "I TOLD you he liked you! I TOLD you! But you wouldn't listen to me! No, you had to be your stubborn self and ignore me like you usually do!" she jumped back on my bed, still grinning ear to ear.

  "I just wasn't sure, okay? I mean, I kind of had an idea that maybe he did like me, but I didn't want to jump into conclusions," I muttered, looking down.

  "Wait. Did you say yes?" Beth's eyes were wide again.

 "Of course I said yes, you dumb ass. Remember when you went inside the house, and Ace and I were still outside?" I asked her, excitement clear in my voice.

  "Yeah...and I'm not a dumb ass," she frowned at me.

  " he took me in a kind-of empty place, kissed me, and then asked me to be his girlfriend," I finished with a big smile on my face.

  "So....he kissed you...before he asked you to be his girlfriend?" she raised an eye brow at me.

 " that bad?" I asked her with a frown. I mean, I didn't mind that he did that.

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