Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

My eyelids were glued shut. I tried opening them, but it was painful. I groaned, then using my fingers, pried them open. I got up and went to the bathroom and slightly winced when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I checked the time on my phone on the sink, and it read 1:43 p.m.

I wasn't surprised I slept this long. I checked my appearance again.

My eyelids had mascara smudged all over them, which was probably the cause of my eyelids being stuck. I had tear streaks down both of my cheeks, and the skin felt dry when I touched it. My face also had those sleep marks you get that look like scars/scabs, and all in all, I looked like someone from a horror movie playing the role of the demon.

Last night's event flashed in my mind once again, and I sighed. I cannot cry anymore. I have to get over myself and stop feeling guilty. I mean, you feel guilty when you did something wrong, but I didn't do anything wrong.

With those thoughts in my head, I brought my towel and clothes inside and jumped in the hot, scalding water. I didn't bother cooling it down a little, even when my skin started burning. I scrubbed my face thoroughly, especially my lips, scowling while doing so.

When I was done, I exited the bathroom to find Beth already awake, sitting on my bed. I forced a smile at her, and went on to dry my hair in silence.

"Are you...going to go today to talk things out with Ace?" Beth broke the silence.

I paused. Then "Yes. In fact, I'm going to go now." I put my towel down on the bed, my hair still wet.

"Now? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. The sooner the better," I shrugged nonchalantly. But inside, I wanted to start crying all over again.

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I want to handle it myself. Thanks, though," I whispered the last part. Beth got off my bed and came and hugged me.

"Good luck, Ellie. You'll be fine. I want to stay here, but I have to go take care of my little sister," she continued guiltily.

I smiled at her. "It's okay. You were here for me, and that's enough," I said, and I meant it.

"Alright. I'll see you soon, El. And don't cry!"

I chuckled. "I won't. Maybe."

Beth left the house, and I sat on the bed, thinking what to say to Ace when I get there. I decided it will all come to me when I get there, and so I got up and left my house.

Once on his doorway, I took a deep breath, then knocked on his door. There was no reply for about a minute, so I knocked again, louder.

The door opened, and Ace grumbled, "Who the hell-" he broke off as he saw me. His annoyed face turned into a cold one. He proceeded to slam the door in my face.

"No, Ace!" I quickly put my hand between the door, and at the last minute, he stopped. I suddenly got a flashback of when I had knocked on his door, and he had proceeded to slam the door in my face back then, and had actually done it. This time, he stopped, though.

I almost wished that he had done it instead of stopping. The door opened wider, and instead of allowing me in, Ace stepped out himself and shut the door behind him. Hurt flashed through me as he did that. He doesn't even want me in there.

"Why are you here?" His voice was so cold and distant. He was dressed up in a suit, and I stopped myself from asking why.

Tears formed in my eyes, but didn't fall. "Ace, you have to believe me. It wasn't like that! I didn't kiss him!"

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