Chapter 16

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   Chapter 16

   Beth went to get the door, while I just stood there, debating whether to run back to my room and hide. What the heck? Why do you want to hide? I shook my head mentally, and slowly started walking towards the door. I couldn't see him yet since Beth was blocking the doorway.

    None too soon, Beth moved away from the door, opening it wider and letting Ace in. I sucked in a breath. He Unbelievably hot. He had a tight black polo shirt on, displaying his arm muscles quite well. His hair was still messy, like he'd run his finger through it a hundred times before, but it still looked soft and thick.

     Although some might think this was a normal outfit for a guy to wear, and that there was nothing special about it, I was bound to disagree. But only because this was Ace wearing it, and he made it look ten times more attractive than what a normal guy would.

 He looked around a bit, before his eyes landed on me. I noticed how they widened just a tad bit, and smirked inwardly. Looks like I'm not the only one checking someone out, I thought as his eyes roamed over my body appreciatively. They returned to meet mine, trapping mine in his intent gaze.

    "I'll be right back, I left my purse in your room," Beth winked at me before she disappeared up the stairs. I rolled my eyes at her back.

   "What are you wearing Ellie?" Ace kicked the door close behind him and started his way towards me.

    "W-what? What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. I looked down at myself, smoothing down any wrinkles I could find.

   In less than a few seconds, he was in front of me, a playful smirk on his face."I mean that, couldn't you have worn something...decent?"

     My jaw dropped open. "Rude!" I snapped, feeling my cheeks warm up with anger and embarrassment. Who is he to tell me what to wear? Standing in my house, and telling me what to and what not to do! That jerk! I felt my eyes water slightly.

     "Hey, you're not actually going to cry, are you?" he lifted my chin up with his forefinger. A groan left his mouth as he realized that I was indeed about to cry. "You're so sensitive. I should've realized that the day you got detention. You know, when you started a whole rainfall of water."

   I slapped his hand away from my chin and looked away, closing my eyes to trap the tears in. I was not about to cry in front of him again. Damn my sensitivity. I felt him move in front of me again, and opened my eyes, glad that they were dry. I raised an eyebrow at him, then turning away again, I made my way to the door.

    Only, he grabbed my arm, spun me around to face him, and pushed me to the wall. "Are you mad at me?" he whispered, staring right into my eyes. His touch was sending incredible feelings through me right now. I nodded, still trying to hold on to the anger that was meant for him.

     I managed to, when he said, "There's no reason for you to be." I struggled to get out of his grip, but he only pushed his hard body onto me, leaving no room for escape.

    He spoke again, "there's no reason for you to be, because you misunderstood me." I stilled for a minute, trying to comprehend what he said.

"How did I misunderstand you?"

     My heart beat accelerated as he leaned his face closer to mine. "Because I meant you should've worn something decent. Not something that makes you look undeniably hot." My stomach was doing crazy somersaults by now, and my heart was pounding so hard, I knew he could feel it, what with our bodies so close to each other. 

    My entire body was feeling cold, then warm, and it kept going on as I moved my gaze from his, looking away from his face as my face flushed a complete red. I could feel it. I could feel it turning red.

    I couldn't describe the enormous amount of affection I was feeling towards Ace right at that moment. This was the first time he'd said something that would indicate that he might have feelings for me, because anytime before this, he'd never given me an outright compliment like this. Beth could be right. There's a possibility Ace could like me. 

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