Chapter 24 Part II (End)

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Chapter 24 - Part II

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I cracked my eyes open, but I couldn't see anything, only white light. My whole body ached, although the pain was dull. But when I shifted just a tiny bit, my wounds burned as if they were re-opened.

I knew I was in the hospital, and it was probably the white light in the whole room. I closed them again as I heard voices.

"It was nothing serious, except for some cracked ribs, broken ankle, and a mild concussion. And of course, the knife slash, but it's not that deep, it's shallow. She'll heal soon if proper care is taken"

I think that was the doctor's voice.I grimaced slightly as I heard the extent of my injuries. They were going to hurt for a while. The sound of a door closing reached my ears. And the sound of soft snores.

I heard the creak of the chair as he - no, she sat down on the chair next to my hospital bed (the person was too gentle for a guy) My hand was gently taken in the person's soft hand from the bed, and I itched to remove the needle that was attached into the back of my hand.

"Elora, sweetie, please wake up. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." It was my Mom. My throat constricted as I held in my tears. I didn't like the thought of her suffering, but me being selfish, I wanted to hear what she would say.

"Ms. Ewlden, she'll be fine, don't worry." That was Beth's voice. Her voice sounded hoarse.

"I'll quit my job if it meant you'll be safe all the time, baby," she whispered. A tear fell on my needle-filled hand, and my hand involuntarily twitched.

"It moved!" I'm sure that was Jayden's voice.

  "What did?" That was Zach.

 "Her hand!" Jayden was almost shouting right now, and I heard a splat. That was my que to talk.

"You don't have to Mom," I replied to her previous words.

I slowly opened my eyes, this time, everything was clear. My heart soared as I saw Angelino, Jayden, Beth, and Zach standing there. Angelino with his hand on Jayden's mouth. Grins immediately formed on their faces. My Mom jerked back in surprise, dropping my hand in surprise.

"Ow," I whined, but it didn't hurt.

"Oh my God. You're awake! Do you have any idea how much you scared me?!" My Mom's eyes were still filled with tears, and there were dark circles under her eyes, but the look in them was stern.

"I liked it better when you were being nice and emotional," I muttered. My Mom instantly cracked a small smile and Beth let out a laugh as well, along with the boys. Another snore followed after, and I slightly turned my head to the side. There, on the small futon, lay the sleeping form of Ulises.

"Glad to know you're back to being sarcastic," my Mom shook her head at me, but I could see the relief in her eyes. "Ulises! Elora's awake!" My Mom said loud enough to wake Ulises up from his slumber.

He swiftly pulled himself into a sitting position as if he was awake the whole time, then took a good look at me sleepily, blinking repeatedly, making everyone laugh, and then sighed in relief. Then he smirked. "God, I couldn't even sleep with all that noise from your heartbeats," he pointedly looked at the heart monitor still beeping.

I frowned a little. He could at least show some concern. Nevertheless, I replied. "I wonder how I slept, with you snoring like a pig in that corner," I pointedly looked at the futon. His smirk vanished and he frowned at me. Beth laughed.

Before he could make any sarcastic comment, I asked, "How's Jason?"

"He's got a mild concussion, but he's awake now. He wanted to come in here to see you but the doctors didn't let him," Ulises confirmed.

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