Chapter 7

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"Kris! What are you doing!!" Drey yelped.

Kris was so exhausted. She had been serving beers and finger foods all night. When did this diner /resto became a bar?? She wailed.

"Wait Drey, I just needed to take a phone call allright??" then she got outside, out of the diners blasting music. Christian was now singing Closing time, his closing number and yet the crowds had no intention of going home. It was already 2am. Her shift ends at 3am.

She dialed her cousin's number.

Her cousin answered on the third ring.

"God damn Kris!! It's 2am in the morning," her cousin shot back at her phone.

"More like 3am. Matt I want you to pick me up at the Diner." She said hurriedly, peering at the glass doors just in case Drey, the head waiter even bothered to check her again.

"You what??!..." he started to shot some lame excuses which Kristine just cut off.

"You owe me Matt!" her voice raising. " I helped you and Sharon get back together. If she ever knows what you did last summer,"she threatened.

"Quit blackmailing me every time you asked me for favors will you!!"her cousin angrily shot back at her. Kristine could tell he was really pissed big time but she had no choice.

"Please Matt. Just this once again." She pleaded this time.

"Okay Kris. I'll be there in half an hour." Her cousin conceded.

When Kris went back inside the Diner, the crowd had already thinned. The band was drinking with their girlfriends at the front table. She hurriedly went inside the staff room to change her clothes. God she was so tired. After she changed she waved her goodbye at Paul and Ruth and went outside to wait for Matt.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chris saw her leaved the Diner. After twenty minutes she was still leaning at the Diner's post clearly waiting for someone.He finished his drink in one gulp then tapped Chrissy's shoulder.

"I'll just have a cigarette break babe." He motioned outside.

Chrissy just nodded and continued drinking with his buddies and their girlfriends.

A pick up went to park just as Chris was getting outside. The driver hopped out. He looked about his age. So she had a boyfriend huh!! He didn't know but suddenly he felt a pang of regret. When he was within earshot he heard them. They were quarelling.

"Really Matt!! What took you so long!! If it's not some Godly hour I could have just walked in your apartment within five minutes flat." Kristine started angrily.

"Whoa!! Kris, that's the whole point. You woke me up in some godly hour and asked for a favor and here you are yelling at me? Well thank you very much. Hop on!" Matt exclaimed.

"Hey! Is something the matter??" Christian asked no one in particular. Kristine and Matt stopped their bickering.

Great. Just great, Kristine thought. "Nothing's the matter Sir. My boyfriend and I was just having some petty argument that's all." Kristine answered. Matt looked at her annoyed. She shot him a killer look.

Matt raised his head and seemed to retort back but a flicker of recognition came to his eyes.

"Chris??" Matt asked.

"Matthew??" Chris asked back.

God. The world is really small, Kristine thought. They knew each other??

"Cool buddy. Haven't seen you in a while, since you started working." Chris said.

Kristine stand awkwardly while her cousin and Chris exchanged their hello's.

"I've been busy man. I have clearly forgotten that your family runs this Diner. I had been meaning to tell Kris, since she started working as part time." Matt ruffles Kristine's hair.

Christian seemed to stopped for a moment and watched them. "So, you're Kris's boyfriend??" Christian didn't bothered why he still asked.

Kristine on the other hand seemed to dread his cousin's answer. She was so Busted.

"Heck no! Kris's my cousin. She's just kidding a while ago." Matt laughed. Kristine sulk.

Chris meanwhile didn't know why he felt relieved all of a sudden.

"How about we catch up on old times??" Chris suggested. "The boys' there and some of our classmates from before."

Matt looked clearly wanted to stay. "Maybe some other time. I'll still need to drive Kris home and I have work. Next time buddy." They slapped each others back then and seem to remember Kristine's presence. She stifled a yawn. She was so exhausted, she will collapse anytime. She swayed. Thankfully Christian's reflexes was good as always and he steadied her before she started to think that the road was her bed.

Matt then went to carry Kris and waved his goodbye. Chris didn't know but he wished he was the one carrying her.

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