Chapter 22

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Two days before Chris graduation, he broke up with Chrissy. Kristine had heard it from her friend in the school paper, Michelle who happened to have eyes and ears all around the campus. She didn't know but when she had heard it, she felt somewhat hopeful. And forgive her, but she felt also happy.

She wanted to attend the gradutation ceremonies but she have a work shift at the diner. She wanted to see him really bad. She knew he will be leaving immediately after the graduation and she just wanted to .. just wanted to have last few hours with him all to herself. God. What was she thinking, she's even worse than a girlfriend!

What does she have to do? She clearly doesn't have any business with him at all. If she tried inviting him in, it would look odd. And he wouldn't come of course.

She dialed his number. She was beginning to think that he wouldn't answer but then he answered on the last ring before it went to the the voice mail box.

"Who the fuck is this??!"

Great! He seems to be in a bad mood, Kris thought.

"Uhm Chris it me, Kristine, from the school paper. Uhm.. I'm Matt's cousin if you don't remember, I would...."

"I know you. Cut the crap. Well what is it?!" he thundered.

Kristine hands shook so very badly, it's a miracle she hadn't pressed and hanged up. Christ what had she been thinking, lying for pete's sake.

'Well??" asked Chris from the other line impatiently. It took Kristine a second to get her act all together.

"Listen, can you come over at Matt's apartment later?? He said he needs to say something really important..." Kris invented lamely. For sure, he wouldn't take the bait but well this is all she can think of at the moment. Christ!

"Why do I need to go over at his apartment? It's him who should go over and come to my unit if he's the one who has to say. He knows where I live." Then he hanged up.

Kristine put down her cellphone feeling miserable. Well she tried didn't she??

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