Chapter 57

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"Hey babe. "

Christian raked a hand thru his wet hair as he spoke. He was wearing an undershirt and looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. Kristine could see the sunlight coming inside his hotel room. It was morning in Europe. A 12 hour difference from her part.

"How are you?? You got me worried back here...." Christian said scanning her face thoroughly thru the video call. She fidgeted. Were you really worried she wanted to ask.

"I....I'm good.." she lightly answered. She had rehearsed all she wanted to say to him but now that she had seen him, she's at loss for words.

"I missed you like crazy. Did you miss me too??" he asked grinning.

You dummy. You're telling me you missed me and yet you didn't even bother to call me even just once??, she thought. He had only called because of what happened at the Block.

"Yeah I missed you. Listen I had been meaning to tell you about........"

"Hey honey can I use your shower?? Mine's broke and I'm going to use your towel too allright," someone from the background said. Kristine caught a blonde girl who was almost naked parading inside Christian's hotel room. Well that was what she thought he was. Unless he had spent the night on that girl's room. Kristine flared, clenched her fist and controlled herself from speaking anything rude. Jesus. Chris was sleeping with another girl on his two week tour??!!

"Hey babe. Wait a moment okay." He stood up. Saw him brought the laptop down so she couldn't see what he did but she can hear him talking to the girl in muffled voice. She heard someone moaning and a while later Chris got back and arrange his laptop monitor again. Gone was the girl.

"Hey babe sorry about that. Leslie was just pulling a stupid prank." Chris explained but he looked liked he was hiding something by the way he avoided her gaze.

Kris went white. She's not exactly stupid. She...

"It's okay." She answered straightly but her tears where threatening to fall. Christian must have seen her teary eyed for he asked the silliest question he could think of.

"Were you jealous??," Chris asked softly.

Jealous! Why was he trying to get her to??

"I'm not. In fact it's a good thing you look like youre having fun there. Makes it easy for me to tell you this..." she started.

Christian's face changed from playful to shock. "What makes you think I'm having fun here?? I missed you. I got worried when I called Emmet and he told me you collapsed!"

You missed me and yet can survive without calling me??

She decided not to answer him. Not to be rude but she really wants to hung up this stupid video call. She can feel her eyes water.

"What?? What is it that you've got to tell me??!!," he demanded.

"It's about Caleb's father...."

"Yeah, your son.. What?!"

Good Lord why was Christian shouting. She should be the one who was supposed to be angry here not him.

"My son's father was back and he wants us back. I'm marrying him Chris. So I'm quitting. I'm leaving." She said hurriedly. Now where did that came from?? She knew she had rehearsed a different dialogue from this.

"Oh! Caleb's father.. When did he return??!! Don't tell me you'll just accept him back! God Kristine. He had already left you and his son on your own. He doesn't deserve you and ......." He said angrily. Sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Christian, I still love him...." She countered softly. Its true. She love Caleb's father after all.

His jaw tightened. He looked murderous. But only for an instant. "Fuck! Don't ever lie about something like that. You're getting me back because of Leslie right?? Okay I admit I just did it because I ask for a favor from her." He said sounding desperate.

So they had done it?? Nothing could have pained her more knowing that Christian can really easily replace her as his bedtime partner. She thought she mean more to him than that.Her heart constricted but she cant get herself to hate him. Her stupid heart still loves him!! Was that why he didn't even bothered to call because he's too busy screwing another girl and were having the time of their lives.

"I'm not lying Chris. I love him eventhough he did some mean things. I can't bring myself to hate him. I just... I just love him too much." She said emotionally.

Pain seem to streak his eyes but instantly replaced with angst. He pounded the table beside him and howled as if wounded. "So all this time that were fucking each other you were seeing him behind my back??!" he thundered.

Kristine wanted to laugh bitterly. How can he even think that she was seeing another one when her eyes were only seeing him. Weren't you the one doing that thing to me?? Fucking another lay the moment you were beyond my reach?

"Goodbye Chris."

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