Chapter 46

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She got up slowly. Went back to the couch, where Christian was sitting moments ago and sat there stoned. She wept like a child. She went to turn on the tv and get some food at the fridge. She stopped short. The table had been set for dinner. It looked like Christian had prepared their dinner tonight.

Oh! Kris gasped. She looked at the fridge and saw a chilled champagne. He must have really waited for her for several hours. Well she didn't doubt that part but she had felt so awful about what happened at work.

Christian could have just believe in her. She couldn't even get him to trust her. That's what putting her down.

She went to run for the door and hoped that he was still there. When Kristine looked outside, the hall was deserted. She dashed for the elevator down the hall but too late. She didn't catch him. She returned slowly, her shoulders slumped. He really left. Well he only followed her instructions. She gazed back at the prepared dinner. She hadn't had dinner but her appetite was lost.

"Kristine, running to catch me??" he asked quietly.

Christian was at the bathroom door and seems to have gotten out, hair wet. Seems like he had just washed his face.

Kris face lit up. She run to where he was. What the hell was she thinking?? Ofcourse he's still her boss. He decides what to do. Whatever he decides on, well she'll just have to deal with it. It doesn't matter if she got his approval or not. His trust. His judgement. She's just lucky enough to be with him because their time together was just a "good while it lasts" thing. Not forever.

She run to his arms and hugged him tightly.

HE almost lost his balance.

"Hey! Are you okay? I thought your fuming mad..." he said gently hugging her back.

"I thought you're gone. I'm sorry, " she kissed him at his cheek. "Forgive me??"

"Ofcourse babe. Don't sweat it... Are you really allright??" he asked again.

Her answer was a lingering kiss that started lightly but went deep. Christian couldn't help but groaned.

Kris seem to be motivated by his moans. "Kris have you eaten dinner??" he asked in between her kisses. "Laters. I'm gonna start first with the appetizer," she whispered as she started touching his chest and trailing kisses down his abdomen after raising his shirt.



"God were going to be late!!!" He stood up abruptly in his naked glory, the blanket swirled at his feet as he jumped out of bed. Kristine opened one drowsy eye and looked at the handsome man beside her. What she wouldn't give to have this man beside her always.

"Well you could afford to be late. Youre the boss," she reminded him and stood up too and went to shower. It doesn't matter if she's late. She can not definitely hitch a ride with her own boss because somebody might see them and start spreading rumors.

"Hey I'll come in later babe. I'll call Iris and tell the HR. Stay safe," Kristine said as she fixed his tie. She went to charge her phone after that.

Christian seem hesitant to leave her but there's pressing matters that needs attending to at the office.

"Okay babe. Uhm, see you later then??," he placed a quick kiss on her lips.

She smiled. "Ofcourse." Then he went out.

Kristine decided to reheat the food since she's starving. She felt a pang of conscience when she remembered that Christian hadn't had dinner too. She had started eating when her phone rang.


"Cuz. Where are you??"

"Matt. I'm on my way to the office...." She lied.

"You better catch the next train home. It's Caleb. He fainted at school and was rushed at the hospital."

"Jesus!! Was he allright?!!," she shouted at her phone, worried. She started packing her things while still talking to Matt .

She was already riding the train when she called Iris. "Hey Iris. Can you please file a leave for me and send to HR. I need to go home. "

Iris and Kris talked for a while. After that Kris decided to catch some sleep for the five hour ride.






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