Chapter 55

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"Kristine are you okay?? What did the doctor said?? I'm sorry I wasn't able to tear myself from my phone. Christian was barking orders like a madman," Emmet litanied.

Kristine looked spacedly outside Emmet's car barely hearing a word he said.

"Hey Kris. Are you okay??" Emmet gently tapped her arm while looking at the road, driving.

She tried not to look at him but Kris nodded. "I'm good. Just tired I guess."

"What did the doctor say??" he asked again.

"Well he said I just lacked sleep.. Just prescribed some vitamins and ferrous..."

"God! You had us worried back there."

Kristine wanted to asked who the "us" he was referring to.

"I'm sorry Emm, but did I disrupt the bands performance?? I mean I'm sorry I should have stayed at home and..."she said in a small voice.

"Kristine. It's not your fault. It's okay. Don't think much of it okay." Emmet said gently and mess her hair like a kid. Why was it that every one of them just treat her like a kid?? She got a kid already and she'll be having another one. God! How can she be so stupid to forget to go to the OB Gyne and take pills!! Aahhh!! Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. She had completely forgotten since her menstration come irregularly.

She was trying hard not to cry but it was hard not to. What will she do now?? Her shoulders shook. Emmet noticed her.

"Hey Kris!! Stopped that. What is it??" Emmet stopped the car immediately then hugged her. "What is it babe. Don't cry."

She let herself be comforted by Emmett's warm embrace. Why does it have to happen?? What will happen if Chris knew?? Then the "contract" will be off, she answered her own question. He said he didn't like complicated things. He stressed that impregnation occurs it's a ground for terminating their "agreement." He said that no talking about where their relationship was heading. No talking about whether theirs was blossoming into love. And she thought, had even prepared to tell him about Caleb!

She let herself out of Emmet's hug. "I'm sorry. I just remembered something. Thanks for bringing me home Emm. And for waiting at the hospital. Sorry if I caused you trouble."

Emmet started again the engine and they rode the remaining distance in silence. Each in their own thoughts. When Emmet parked outside the condominium towers entrance and was about to get out too, Kris told him its not necessary.

"Hey Emm no need for you to come up. I'm okay. I can manage myself from hereon. Thanks." She leaned on him and hug him again before getting out.

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