Chapter 61

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Kristine watched silently as the waves come crashing down perfectly creating a beautiful ripple.

"Ms Kristine, please tell me if it's too tight," the coutourier said as she helped her on her wedding dress. She peered thru the window and saw some visitors arriving at the beach veranda where they will be holding their wedding ceremony.

My Goodness. How and when did Christian started planning all of these?? she asked herself in awe. You couldn't have planned this overnight!! Her heart swelled and threaten to burst. She wanted to cry again. A while ago, when they boarded the plane, she really thought she was just dreaming. Well never in her wildest dream did she think that it was really possible to marry him.When she woke up from her nap she had uttered Christian's name thinking it was all but a dream.

Christian had chuckled beside her. He was holding her hand the whole time while her son was busy trying not to fall asleep and watched in awe from the window seat the fluffy clouds and the scenery below them.

A knocked, then Christian peered inside looking like he's God's greatest gift to womankind. He looked dashing and handsome and ....

"Christian!! What are you doing here?? It's a bad omen to see me in my gown before the wedding!," Kristine said in horror.

He rolled his eyes. "You're right. It's bad for me see you in your gown,so why don't I take it off now??" he grinned. If the coutourier was shocked by his vulgar words she didn't show it. "Please leave us. I want to be the one to put that dress on my wife."

Kristine felt herself dying from embarrassment.

"Hey I perfectly remember you're not this fat," he teased as he fixed the knot at the back of her gown.

"I'm not fat!," she countered hotly. Then she remembered. She must have gained a little weight. "I'm..... I'm just...." She choked on her words..."pregnant again."

Christian's hand stilled. Time literally stopped for Kristine as she held her breath. What will he say?? Will he get mad again. He turned her to face him gently and lift her chin up. Then hugged her tightly next.

"That's wonderful news. I've always wanted a big family," he murmured in her hair. When she looked up she could see him teary eyed. Then it was her turn to get emotional.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't plan for it to happen again. I just wanted those moments with you so I agreed to your terms...."

"And you're planning on running away with two of my children without telling me the truth.." he said sounding hurt.

"I was going to tell you... I was about to tell you but I....." she remembered again that night which had made her decide.

"God Kristine when you told me that day that you still loved your son's father, the way you told me how much you loved him, I felt like dying."

"Well when I saw you in your room with a naked woman I felt like dying too." She countered back.

"She is not naked. Ofcourse. I admit that was my fault. I was just trying to get you jealous. Hell! Even once I haven't felt that you got jealous because of me......" He couldn't go on.

They remained silent for a moment.

"I agreed to your "agreement" in the first place because I got very jealous when Jenna arrived on the scene. I knew she's your first love." She choked.

"Then I guess I have to thank her??" he laughed. He looked at her tenderly and catch his breath. "God! IT's a crime to look that beautiful darling.." he said softly.

"I... am... not" she muttered, blushing. She opened her mouth to say something more but his lips came down on hers. The intensity of his kiss sprang forth from the weeks they haven't seen each other. She kissed him hungrily, he kissed her back. Her hands crept up to his hair, his hands guided and carried her to lie on the soft bed.

"Kristine, I am so in love with you," he breathed as his hands went down to her shoulders. Fighting for the urge to wrench the gown away.

"Chris... the ceremonies..." Kristine managed to say before Christian covered her mouth again in a demanding kiss that seem to go on and on and ....

The door burst open.

"Holy hell! Brother. The ceremonies are about to start. And you're both here starting an early Honeymoon!" Sage whistled.

Christian got up and pulled her to him catching her balance before they stumbled again.

"Okay. Okay. Tell them were going down."Chris muttered then whispered something naughty on Kris ears.

Kris went red. "Naughty. Naughty Christian. Allright. Laters hubby. And I love you too.Let's do this."

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