Chapter 47

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Kristine was so tired from the trip back to the city but atleast Caleb was back to normal. She's been so worried sick that she haven't catch up some sleep lately. The doctor prohibits him to join any strenuous activity for the moment. As if preschoolers do some strenuous activity. Caleb was just five. Still Kris thought if it was too early for him to be enrolled. But Caleb likes going to school and had made lots of friends already. She sighed. Someday she would get back her son and they would never part again. She had been saving up, well for them to buy a place of her own and move in with her. Probably hire a nanny or something.

She's thinking of soaking herself In a nice warm bath. It's Friday. She's been absent for a week. Her work must have piled up. She tried not to think about that at the present and went inside the condo. She headed for the couch after locking the door and closed her eyes. Hmmm. She would be lying if she didn't admit that she missed this place. Well it had started to have a HOMEY feel to it, especially when Chris was there. And most of the times, well he was.

Then she felt the chill. The AIRCON was on. Holy Crap! Did she forgot to turn it off when she went out last Monday? And she heard him spoke up.

"I didn't know you would be returning back today. I could have picked you up at the station." Christian was sitting at the dining room, his laptop on. There were papers around the table. A coffee mug beside it. He was wearing glasses and it was one of the few times Kris had seen him with it. It would have make him look older but he just looked, well looked damn good.

"That would really be unnecessary." She answered back. So was it in the contract that she can kiss him whenever she want?? Because right now, that's what she felt like doing, especially after missing him for almost a week. She remained sitting on the couch resisting the urge.

"I didn't know you had a son," Chris continued to talk but he barely looked at her. His gaze was fixed at his computer, probably working on something urgent. So he didn't go to the office???

"Uhm I... well you didn't ask...." She chose her answer carefully.

"Well it's not like I ask all my bedtime partner if they had a child." He retorted. Was it her imagination or Christian was acting grumpy. She preferred not to comment.

"So... how old was he??"

What's with the questions?? Kristine wanted to ask. He stopped what he was doing and removed his glasses.

"He's......... three." She lied. Well she couldn't help it. And they will never meet each other anyway. His eyes slitted for just a moment, that Kris thought she'd just imagined it.

"I've heard he collapsed at school. He's only three, why do you rush to enroll him anyway. He should be busy enjoying his childhood playing with other kids his own age."

So now you're giving me parenting tips?? She thought.

"You should try giving him a salt solution and buy a nebulizer when he have a fainting spell.Make him drink lots of juices particularly cranberry. It helps."

She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"I had the fainting spell when I'm also a kid. My lungs are weak back then sometimes I had trouble breathing. My mom did that and well it worked."

She gasped. Oh my God. So it was hereditary???

Her phone rang and she rushed to answer it.


"Hey babe, how are you?? Ive heard about your son. How was he???"

"Sage." She breathed. "Thanks, he's okay now, just needs rest. Nothing strenuous activity for him at the moment."

"Well, tell him to get well soon or else we couldn't play again."

Sage had met him during his third birthday. He had tagged along with Blake and Michelle who happens to be Caleb's godfather and godmother.

"Okay I will tell him. Thank you again." Then she hung up.

"I wouldn't get too close to my half brother if I were you," Christian said.

Kristine felt like she had been slapped. . "Huh?? Oh Please don't dictate me who and what to do." She said firmly. This was really stressing her out.

"I am not dictating. I was advising you. My half brother happens to be an irresponsible, happy go lucky guy and appears to have no idea what he wants in his life."

"I will not tolerate you badmouthing your half brother like this. Really what has he done to you?? It's not his fault if your father happens to find another woman to love you know. You should be more understanding! You're older than him... God being illegitimate was bad enough for him to take." she cried.

"Tell me about it. Well Sage happens to be the legitimate one, making me the bastard. But do you see me moping around?? OR acting irresponsibly? Maybe you should get your facts straight first before coming at me." He stood up, grab his car keys and bolted out of the door leaving his computer on.

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