Chapter 51

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"So my little stepbrother likes you huh?? And what else? Does he say too that now he's man enough to own the responsibility??"

"Chris you seem to be very good at this eavesdropping thing aren't you? " she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. What the hell was he talking about??

"I told you. It's no good getting close to my brother."

"Chris! You knew about Jenna and him. How could you? Or do you still have feelings for Jenna??"

"Jesus Kristine. When would you quit seeing me as the bad guy?? I'm not! I was protecting you."

"Protecting me?? From who??"

"I know Sage was Caleb's father."

She gaped. Why on God's mind Chris thought that her son would be Sage's??

"You met Sage's three years before didn't you?? Caleb happened to have the same feignting spell Sage's did when he was a child."

Really hearing this from Christian, Kristine wanted to cry.

"You had the same dizzy spell too," she pointed it out softly.

"Well it couldn't be me! " Well he guess wrong.

"Yeah, ofcourse youre right. It couln't be you. And you hitching it on with Jenna was your way of protecting me?? You really have some bizzare ways of being sweet but sorry. It wasn't Sage." Kristine went out of his arms and fled.

"Hey! I told you I'm sorry. I thought wrong." Christian said, catching her, getting inside the elevator too.

She ignored him. But he continued to follow her even after they went out of the elevator and reached the ground floor.

"Kris!! Will you quit acting like a child!," he exploded in the hallway.

"Quit following me."

"Hey. I'll bring you home. Cut the theatrics."

"Please. Just go back. Trey will be wondering where you've wandered off to. And....."

"Jesus. I'll go back. Just let me bring you home safely. Now that I know Sage wasn't the one atleast I can now breathe more peacefully."

"I thought you weren't supposed to poke into "my business"." She stressed.

"Well I will if I have to. And will you just give it a rest. I thought it was Sage. He was my stepbrother. He was my responsibility."

"And what about me?? How do you see me??" Kris asked softly. A business deal that can easily be replaced??

"You... I.. I thought we understood each other..." he said, stammered actually. Wow. Chris actually stutter??

"I really don't call leaving me alone to fend for myself qualified as understanding each other," she stood her ground at him firmly. He should know girls feelings, she thought he was an expert at that.

"Well I was giving you time to have that hearty talk with Sage."

"And now that you know it wasn't Sage??"

"Christ Kristine!! What are you demanding? You know my rules. If you don't like it lets call it quits. I'm going back."

"I never told you to follow me anyway!," she exclaimed then run for as fast as her legs can carry.


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