The Sweet Pain

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‌She had been reading since morning and she needed a break.The weather was perfect for a walk.The sky was almost clear.The sun  passed through the occasional clouds.She called Viren if he would come for a walk.His exams started after 2 days while her's were after a week.He was initially reluctant to accept it but he dint want to let her down.He missed her terribly.He thus accepted her invitation.

‌Dressed in a red skirt and a white t-shirt she looked gorgeous as ever.He couldnt take his eyes off her.Her earrings dangled as she walked beaming with a smile.She was an epitome of beauty with brains.He couldnt help but adore her.Today she was well beyond fifteen minutes late yet he had a smile on his face.She gave him a hug which lasted longer than usual.The whiff of her perfume tingled his nostrils and her hair brushed across his cheek.It was a task to let her go.She wore a maroon shaded lipcolor that made her look brighter.Her beautiful doe shaped eyes were reenhanced by the kohl she smeared.

He, for a while forgot his exams and all  the other things that were troubling him as he stood by her side.As they walked  she talked about things he was not paying attention to.To distract him further, her hand brushed past his, evry now and then and the feel of her skin  shot up his hormones.

The campus was a beautiful sight especially in this part of the year.The plantations and the variety of fauna that thronged the vast areas of green,were always a spectacle.The chirping birds,the busy butterflies and the softly blowing wind made it a perfect evening but it suddenly changed.The dark clouds closed in from nowhere and they were greeted with an unexpected shower.

They ran to a dilapedated bus bay at a corner. They ran as fast as they could but could only  make it  half drenched.They sat there helplessly as it rained harder.He glanced at her and she looked even beautiful with her open wet hair.He touched her hair softly.She looked into his eyes searching for what he would do next.He moved closer placing his hand on her cheek.She was stunned to even react and then he kissed her amidst the thunder and lightning.It was their first kiss but they had no intention of stopping it there.He moved his hand down on her back as he kissed her with all his love.He pushed his hand beneath her shirt and her skin felt warm against his palm.The kiss left them out of breath.The rain thundering over the roof of their little shelter resembled their heart beat.Viren pulled her closer and kissed her under the ear as his hand moved to her thigh.His hand moved up as he moved down kissing her.She was enjoying all the attention she was getting and pulled him closer. He unbottoned her shirt partially and  loved what he saw and she loved what she was capable of doing to him.His hand touched her in places that made her shiver out of joy and he was happy seeing her respond to him .He ached to go further and plunge into her but they had to wait.They kissed passionately as the clouds parted.He suddenly felt his toes getting slightly wet, he opened his eyes to his dog licking his foot  in an attempt to wake him up.He was dreaming about Sneha, it was surprising to him as it had been quite a while since he has dreamt or thought about her.He did not understand why today,after telling his mother that he was ready to get married,his mind was goin back to her.He ignored it for the time being and pet his dog who has been wagging his tail undefeatedly for his attention.

He realized, it was just him and the dog   in the house.He was surprised his mother did not mention anything about her going out.He picked up his mobile and dialed his mother's number."Ma! where are you?"he asked as soon as she took his call."You are up.I am at Paddu's place.Her parents have been to Kashi.They are performing a pooja.I did not want to disturb you.You seemed to have had a hectic day yesterday.Now that you are up why don't you drop by?.This pooja is really auspicious."V replied as fast as he could " No ma.You are attending it.I am sure I will also reap all the benefits.""It doesn't work that way.Anyways I did not expect you to come.I made breakfast, it is on the dining table.Do not forget to eat.Feed Boxer too before you leave.""Ya Ma alright"" Drink milk too"He did not respond to that and cut the call.

He went about his dialy routine in a mechanical fashion but his dream about Sneha still troubled him.He was having his breakfast and impulsively keyed in her number on the mobile.She did not pick his call so he left her a text.It had been a long time since he spoke to her." Hey how are you" he sent.He waited for her message for a whole half an hour and realsized he was wasting his time.He finished his food, fed his dog and left for office.


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