A Second Chance

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Thank You snigdhapola itssiris ItishriSahu divya310 ShaikSabiha bindu87 for helping me in editing and motivating

Thank you poornima13 shivanimahajan14 for voting and commenting :)

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Payal's POV

Sharp at 6,I reached the Kholani's, a very famous eatery in the city. It is rare to find the place empty. Its food and ambience were the best, followed by the hospitality.As soon as I arrived, I noticed a table reserved on my name."Wow!" I exclaimed to myself, I was surprised and pleased at Viren's planning.If not for the reservation we would have to wait.

The table that was set, was to a corner and had ambient lighting. The interiors of the place were pleasent and soothing. While I was engrossed in studying the surroundings," Hello, Ms Payal. Welcome to Kholani's. Would you like to try something while you wait for Mr.Viren?" a girl asked with a pleasent smile. Oh! she knew I was waiting for him, I thought . As if, sensing my thoughts " He is our regular customer and a very friendly man. We are all fond of him. He booked this table in the morning on your name" she clarified. I smiled at her warmly " I will wait for him, thank you", I said. She left and I drifted back to the morning's call.

I had almost given up on him when the telephone in my cabin rang. I was able to concentrate on work after almost two days,I din't want anything to distract me.So, I took my time to reach the telephone. Listening to the voice on the other side, my legs went weak and I had to sit to continue talking. I made sure none of what I felt were apparent in my voice. I tried to sound as casual as I could. I dismissed his apologies like, what happened meant nothing to me. In reality, I was jumping inside with joy. I had made a fool proof plan on how to react if he calls to apologize. I thought I would just answer him in yes, no and talk to him rudely.I wanted to effect him the way I was effected that day. But, what I spoke and how I responded to him was a total disaster to my plan. The call lasted exactly for 5 minutes and here I am waiting for him, having forgiven.

I never expected him to ask me out. That took me by surprise. I blushed like a fool when he said 'let's meet'.Thank God! there was no one in my cabin that moment, else I would have made a fool of myself. "This is my favorite spot, isnt it perfect?" a voice snapped me out of my reverie. Here he was, all handsome, casually dressed with a hot pair of shades covering his beautiful eyes. " Yeah it's great" I said smiling." Ok! let me start by apologizing once again.I am really very sorry for being a douche that day" He continued before I could even react " To make up to it, this is going to be my treat and I am not taking a no from you" . " That is not necessary Viren.Please don't embaress me" I said blushing a little." We are friends aren't we. If not anything else let this be my treat for the success of interviews". Now, that's something we could really celebrate and moreover I din't want to be a spoil sport trying to object to everything. He ordered samosa, bajjis and coffee. Hell! what did he think I was?. Who eats so much?. No way I would be able to finish all that. I tried telling him not to order so much, but he insisted, more like commanded. Before the order arrived, we talked about various general topics and about the project.In the mid of the conversation he asks" So what did you tell your parents about that day?" .What should I tell him? that I told my mother I will not consider this alliance any longer? Would he be hurt? He is puuting so much of an effort to reach out and apologize.I looked at him and wondered if I had done the right thing by deciding on not giving him another chance. I was infact having a great time and wanted it to go on. " Hello madam.Are you with me?" His voice startled me and I realized I had been staring at him all this time. I gave an awkward smile and decided I will tell him the truth. I will atleast know his reaction." Oh yeah! I told them what happened and that may be I wouldn't want to take this further." I said slowly, trying to guage his reactions. I had expected some change in his face or behaviour, but there was nothing.His face was blank, devoid of any expression. I was slightly disappointed at that.Was I really expecting him to be hurt? I wondered" Hmm.What did they say?" he asked looking at me. " My mom thinks I should give you a chance" I replied . " My mom doesn't think so.She said, I deserved the wrath of your anger" he laughed.Good! there is someone who thinks what I did was justified. His mother seemed like a cool lady." So how do you like the food? " he asked changing the topic." Its great.I have always heard of this place but never got a chance to visit"I said." All thanks to me then" he joked.I had to roll my eyes at that " Whatever.Anyways,I had a great time" I said, meaning every word. " It was my pleasure to have you here.And sorry once again. I am not such a bad person" he said with a tone that felt very genuine. I smiled as we continued to talk. " Strange we do not have each other's numbers.It was a deal to find you in the morning" he said getting up from table.Yes!, we finished everything that we ordered.Don't think, 'then what was that drama all about?' the food here is very tasty and I had not known how much I was eating, we were deep in the talk. He gave me his number and I saved it Mr.V.

I reached home and was badgered with questions from my mother. I had to sit and tell her every bit of what we spoke. She looked quite disappointed, listening to the casual things we discussed. I was laughing inside at her increasing irritation. She finally gave up and left me as she realized we did not talk much about the main thing. I was very happy I met him and was not able to stop my self from recollecting our conversation. "You were out with him for two hours and spoke nothing about marriage.What is going on in your mind Payal" my mother finally asked,exasperated. " Mom, it was just a casual meet. What do you want us to do?" I said looking at her. She shook her head, " Look Payal, I don't know what you will do. You are the one who said we will not consider this. Now you decide whether you want to or not." she said sternly. I looked at my father for some support, he just shrugged and that made me glare at him. " Ok I will think about it" I said and changed the topic.

I was totally confused, he had not given me a single hint if he wanted to consider this or not. How am I to assume he wants to?. But he din't object it either. If he was not interested why would he meet and apologize. Oh God! this was so difficult. May be mom was right, because the objection was from my side, I should take the initiative. Finally I mustered the courage and sent him a good night text along with a sorry note that said " I am sorry I over reacted that day.If it is alright with you, I am fine with considering this an alliance". It took me fifteen minutes to compose that short message.My heart was thundering , waiting for his reply.I waited for a long time and finally fell asleep. I checked his reply the next day " I will call you tommorow" it said. But that tommorow never came.


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