After Effects

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Viren's POV

" Give them a call Geet. Let us discuss a date for the wedding. I will not take leave again until a month before marriage. So whatever we ought to talk or discuss let's do it in these few days." my father told my mom. "One month? that's it?How should just the both of us manage everything Krishna. It's your son's wedding, at least now you take a long leave." my mother almost pleaded. It had been two days since we declared our decision to our parents. I still cannot accept that I would be married. My parents have literally cornered and got the decision out of us. Payal and I have shared a very good friendship and were comfortable with each other. I had been clear that I would take time to accept her as a wife and she took it quite well.The fact that she was also doing this owing to her parent's pressure would make it easy for us. I hope thoughts of Sneha will not ruin everything for me. For all I know I would be married before her and I wish to see her reaction. What?Why do I care how she will react? What do I want from it?Sometimes I wonder what am I turning into. I just wish I won't cross paths with her ever again.

" Swetha, why don't you extend your stay until marriage. You can help your mom", my dad interrupted my sister who was busy running after Aarav. "I don't know Dad. I should talk to Avinash about it", she said and that gave my darling nephew time to knock down a flower vase. "You also talk to him Geet. She will help you in the shopping and stuff. Of what help would I be in these things" he said hoping my mom would let him go. "If not in shopping, there would be other things that you could do. Please take two months leave Krishna" she declared. They bickered like school kids and my head started to hurt
I had loads of shit in my head that I was already over thinking about.

" Oh! stop it both of you. Is the marriage fixed already? Why are you both arguing right from now? Take one step at a time.Please!" I snapped not able to withstand further." Yeah.He's right. Let's talk to them first" ,my dad took the opportunity to divert the topic." Padma called yesterday, they want to talk to their pandit and call us on an auspicious day",she said." Auspicious day to call?" ,me and dad exclaimed at a time and started to laugh.Mom shot us a disgusted look which made both of us shut up instantly, "But I will be here only for few days", my father has always been against staying away from work for longer periods ." Its their belief,don't make fun of it. I told Padma to tell them you will be here only for two days.She said she will inform.Let's see."

I have not disclosed about Sneha to Payal yet. I tried to do it the last time we met but could not get the courage to do it. This is important and I have to tell her very soon. I just hope she takes it in a right way. She did not seem like the possessive and jealous type. She is one heck of a girl, seeing her smoke blew my mind the other day. It is such a relief to have someone who does not fuss about your way of life. It was because of Sneha I quit smoking. Of course that did me good but her nagging, Oh my God! It was unbearable. I really admire Payal in some aspects. She was surely an asset to her company and it was always a pleasure to discuss work with her. I was glad I got to know her apart from work. She had a mischievous side to her that I found pretty amusing. She actually pushed a gay artist onto me and laughed at it to no end. That was so embarrassing. She was actually cute laughing like that.Just when I was thinking she must be such a boy to make fun of such things, she blushed at my cheeky comment. I never knew she could actually blush. The funny part was that she got caught. She had great things in mind that she wanted to work toward. My respect for her increased ten fold after knowing her inner side. The best thing that we have in common is our love for pets. She is so crazy that she convinced her parents to come over to my place to just play with Boxer.

"Bro! Stop dreaming and hold Aarav",Swetha yelled making me come out of the train of thoughts. That was when I realized I was smiling to myself like an Idiot. "What has Payal done to you. Look at yourself. You are all red", she pinched my cheeks. She was a mother of a 1yr old and still  behaved like a kid. I swatted her hand off and glared at her." Your defence is quite amazing kiddo. Glaring at me like that! It won't prove anything. In-fact it strengthens my words", she laughed. "Whatever! do you want me to help you with this rascal or you will handle him yourself", I threatened. He was so naughty that at least two people had to always be around him. " Fine!I won't tease you", she huffed and I gave her a evil laugh. Aarav who was looking at all this innocently suddenly grasped a fistful of my hair and pulled it making me yelp. "Way to go son!", his mother cooed giving him a kiss on his cheek.

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