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"Is this some kind of a joke?", I asked my mom who gave me a mini heart attack when she told me I had to meet yet another guy. "Joke? Of course not!",  she sounded quite serious. "Then what is this? Did I tell you to look for someone else?", anger was apparent in my voice. "It has been a month since we have been considering this alliance. Nothing seems to be working out, we can't keep waiting Payal". She was right in a way, I was stupid enough to be patient with him, why should my parents be? But he was considering it, may be he is tiny bit positive as well. I wanted to take the chance. I was surprised how much I have changed from some one who thought marriage was not my cup of tea to what I am today.

"But Mom, we discussed about this yesterday. At least wait until I or he decide this is not going to work", I stated. " And when is that? After another year? Something is really wrong with you. First you were not interested in getting married at all, now you are stuck with one person", she  shook her head, sighing. "He has some valid reasons why this got extended this long. Besides I told you I was not interested when I first met him, you were the one who convinced me. Now look at what you are saying. I will talk to gran, I am not meeting anyone and that is final"I walked to my room and shut the door. This was like some love marriage where I am trying to convince my parents to consider my boyfriend. I laughed at my own state of affairs. Above all this, I am not even sure if he is even going to say yes. Oblivious to all this, he must be enjoying his sleep. I tried to sleep too, tomorrow is going to be crazy. I am going to meet my friends and I need to consider if I should tell them this or not.


"Australian men are hot!", Tanya said all of a sudden with a naughty smile. We were at the bowling ally of a huge sports complex. " Looks like some one had fun!', I exclaimed looking at her trying to get out whatever she was hiding. She pulled my hand and dragged me to some seats leaving our other friends behind. "What is his name?", I asked her as we sat next to each other. Tanya was easily the most sexy looking girls I have ever met. She was handling her father's business and  visited exotic locations as a part of her work. Her parents separated when she was five and she lived all by herself in this city. She visited her mom and dad once every year. In short she was traveling most of the times. Her  open mindedness made us get along very well. This is the reason she chose to share some of her very personal secrets only with me. This must be very personal, that she was taking me away from the others.

"Tom", she said looking into her phone, probably looking for his photograph. She had a smile on her face as she found what she was looking for. She pushed her phone towards me and blushed." Oh my God Tanya, you are blushing. Don't tell me you actually love him", I smiled looking at a tall blonde man with a well built body. She had great taste in men. She had a few past relations and some were serious and some were not. But one thing was common, all the men were smoldering hot. So was he.

"So, what is the story?", I  nudged her. She went on to explain how the met and how he asked her out. She was very good at describing things. You feel you were right in that situation when she expalins about it."Payal! He is so sweet. You know, he flew down here for me", she said with dreamy eyes when she finished." What?! Are you serious? he came for you?", I asked almost not believing her. " Yes!Can you believe it. I thought he just came to drop me at the airport. I was surprised to see him in the seat next to me ", her voice showed how excited she was. "Wow! That is sweet", I said. She hesitated for a moment like there was more to it than just that." Uhmm. And Payal", she said and raised her hand and it took me just a few seconds to see a ring twinkle in her finger." We are engaged!!", she shrieked. "Tanya! Are you serious", I hugged her as she nodded. This was something I had not expected from her. Tanya and engaged! I broke from the hug and looked at her with a serious expression," You broke the code.Din't you?", I asked her mocking anger. She looked confused at my sudden change in tone." We decided we would not marry!", I said looking hurt. She laughed loud making few heads turn to us." Sorry Payal! I will find you a handsome groom.Ok?", she said holding my hand. I have found one for myself I thought as the image of Viren flashed in front of me. My phone beeped right at the moment making me jump.I pulled it from my wallet and frowned at the name 'Mr.V'. The message made me shoot up my head in all directions trying to find him. The message read:

"Why do all girls shriek like that? Is it some kind of a gal code?"

"Hey! where are you?"

" Red suits you"

"Thanks but where are you?"

"In the same building as you are!"

"Duh! I know that. Where exactly?"

"Why?Desperate to see me?" he winked

I blushed furiously at that and was looking for a come back to that statement when I hear a snap.  I looked up to find Tanya with fold hands looking at me questioningly.Shit! I am fixed. There was another beep

"Haha! You just blushed. Looks like you are in trouble. Have fun. Bye!" and a grin.

I am going to kill him for this. "So are you done?", she asked and by that time all my friends gathered around me and were shooting glares. "Hey!Tanya got engaged", I shouted and like that Tanya was now the center of attraction, forgetting all about me for some time. They badgered her with all kinds of questions. Tom's picture circulated among all and each one of us took our time to comment on him and much to Tanya's relief we finally approved. Tanya, being the prankster she was, now took the opportunity to turn the missile towards me.

"Madam, now your turn!", she said and all of them looked at me. " My turn? what my turn?", I asked innocently. I know I was totally in soup and there was no way out. I was just buying as much time as I could. I know how many questions would come my way. Along with questions there would be too many embarrassing comments about my reactions to marriage. I needed a lot of courage to face all that. "I saw you blush like a fool and I also saw how you reacted to those messages. Now stop beating around the bush and get to the point. My sweetheart is waiting for me", Tanya said making the girls hoot."Girls focus!Payal", she said making them all laugh and turn to me. I sighed and told them quickly  not emphasizing on everything.

"Wow!One day two surprises and from the both of you! Can this day get any better?", Shivani said sitting back after I finished my story. "Yeah! From those two who had a pact to not marry.What an irony!", that was from Ramya. We both looked at each other and Tanya grinned at me."Guys! she is engaged and I am no where close to that. Slow down!", I literally pleaded them."Ohh! She doesn't want to jinx it girls", said Janani and all of them started laughing. This went on and on, they took turns embarrassing me and Tanya. It is always refreshing to sit and behave like morons with your set of crazy friends but I wanted to get back at Viren for what he did. His texts today made me blush every time I thought of them. The day came to an end, we captured as many memories as we could and parted.


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