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A one night stand was all it was supposed to be, but it turned out to be more, and now we are holding a secret from the world, and this is all how it started....

A meet and greet for One Direction;

my favorite boy band. You know how it always is; you read one direction imagines and stories, especially the dirty ones.

Never expecting them to come true. I mean who wouldn't want to know what it's like to experience it with them in bed? Always reading them and knowing it would never come true.

Always the insecure girl who never thought she was good enough, but always had a flicker of hope and never let go.

One Direction is the best thing to ever happen to me; saving me from my family problems, and helping me change my life.

I just arrived at the Sprint Center, where the meet and greet is supposed to be. My heart raced a little faster of the thought of me being able to see my idols. I can't wait to thank them for everything they've done.

Cars, and people, everywhere is all I could see. It was crazy trying to drive through this mess to try and find a parking space. After searching the whole place for about ten minutes I finally find a spot just big enough to squeeze my tiny white car into.

Walking inside with tickets in hand, my eyes scan the area, amazed by the amount of people that have accumulated in one place. The sound was the worst thing though. Millions of fans screaming and yelling at their favorite boys, because they could see them from afar. Me, I was probably the calmest one here, I had always dreamt about this and thought about how I would act.

You have to think about it from their point of view. I wouldn't like millions of people screaming at me all at one time and not understanding any of them. To be honest I would get freaked out and probably have a panic attack.

Snapping out of my thoughts and realizing what's happening before me, I look ahead and walk to the already forming line; which I just happened to catch now so I'm last. Dammit, I'll be standing here for some time I suppose. I guess it's like they say, save the best for last.

I began thinking about what to say to them and how to approach them without flipping out or going into V-Fib. (Basically cardiac arrest)The line was moving terribly slow so I had plenty of time. I'm kinda glad it is slow in a way; I want to remember this day forever because we only get a few minutes with them and then we're gone. I had their newest CD in my hand, staring at the 5 beautiful boys on the cover. The 5 boys who saved my life.

The line was speeding up and before I knew it, and hour of waiting, I was at the table. All eyes were on me, shit I realized I was the last in line, again. I don't know if I should be shocked or what by the way they are looking at me.

I handed my CD over for them to sign then I spoke with a shaky voice "I would like to thank each and every one of you for saving my life, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here today. You all have taught me to appreciate myself and that I am worth something" I gave them each a hug as they all said "you're welcome" and thanked me for my support. I shook all of their hands and when I got to Harry, he pulled himself from around the table and gave me a real hug. His tall frame was over me and I took in his scent; he smelled of mint and cologne. Best day ever as of now, hands down.

Then I unexpectedly felt a hand on my butt. I know it wasn't mine so it had to be Harry's. Omigod this cant be happening, I almost stopped breathing. That's when I realized what he had done; he slipped something into my back pocket. I thought he was making the moves on me, whew, I mean not that I wouldn't mind...

He brought his face down to my cheek and I swear he was going to kiss me, but instead he put his mouth to my ear and whispered "call me" with that we pulled away and said our goodbyes. We had only been hugging for about a minute but it felt like eternity.

I can't believe it! I have Harry Styles number! 'What now suckers? HAHA!' is what I thought in my head to all the slutty girls that showed up wearing low cut tight shirts and short shorts.

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