12-Picking up the Pieces

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The song for this chapter is

Wide Awake by Katy Perry


I had made arrangements to stay with my sister for some time, but for now I'm still at my rinky dink place. Today is Wednesday, and as much as I want to go back to school, I can't.

Today is one of those days where you feel the world hates you, and you hate the world. Every emotion you have ever felt in your entire lifetime comes crashing down on you, until your one heap of shit.

I'm one of those people who has few friends and hates the world with a great passion. We live in one cruel world. A world where people are cruel to each other. Homicides in each others back yards, fighting up on Capitol Hill, thieves, drug dealers, sluts.

Today, I simply couldn't do anything, I couldn't focus. My mind was one jumbled mess of random thoughts. I would try to think of one thing, and my mind would start thinking off-topic and my head would start to hurt. I can't watch the television to take my mind off of everything either, because today is the day the government shut down. More evidence of the cruel world we live in.

T.v. used to be my way to help me clear my mind, but now it's too depressing to watch. Every fucking channel I flip to has some bullshit talking about the goddamn news, and honestly I'm fed up with it.

I have so many emotions right now. from wanting to curl up in the corner, to wanting to shove my foot up the presidents ass. My hormones are definitely not okay. I blame this whole pregnancy shit, or stress. It's probably stress, or both.

I've been suffering withdrawal lately. not withdrawal from alcohol. Not withdrawal from any drug. Withdrawal from my drug, Harry.

Here I sit, on the couch, over thinking as usual. Today would be a perfect day to lay in bed, have someone make me soup and watch a chick flick, but then again...rather not.

While drowning myself in my thoughts, again, I hear a knock at the door. I slowly and carefully pull myself off the couch and ease myself over to the door. I pulled the door open, and in one swift movement he had me in his arms. oh god, it felt so good to be in his arms again. his strong arms carried me over to the couch and gently set me down.

"I brought these for you" he smiled that dimple smile, as he handed me a bouquet of roses.

"Harry, they are simply beautiful" as I cried tears of joy.

"I also brought the notebook for us to watch" he came closer to me.

"H-harry. aren't you supposed to be touring somewhere?" I worriedly asked

"Not today! I am quite thankful to, because I need to take care of you; it's my job, and it's my fault. I also won't be here to help you when I'm over-seas." He explained

He stood over me and leaned in so his lips fit perfectly with mine. we shared a passionate kiss. I could feel my whole body tingling, as he sent electric shocks through my body. I had to pull away from him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked in concern

"You're going to kill me" I giggled

"W-what?" fear in his voice

"You're going to electrocute me. you're giving me too many sparks" I smiled

"Oh you!" he laughed. He picked me up and carried me to my room.

Deja vu? This is the second time we were together in the same room. but this time, nothing will happen.

He carefully placed me down on the bed, then he stroked over to the tv and popped the notebook in.

He got under the covers, opposite of me, and took me in his embrace. My once chilled body was now being taken over by his electricity, igniting my body like a flame. His arm was wrapped around my body, and I stared up into his eyes as he stared at the tv.

He knew I was staring too. I saw a smirk form on his lips.

"See something you like?" he wiggled his eyes at me

"You wish" I said, playfully.

"Oh, really" he came closer and I could feel his warm breath as it sent chills down my neck.

I couldn't control myself anymore and I let my actions get the best of me. I smashed my lips against his and we explored each others mouths.

Heart thumping and mind racing I make a beeline for the bathroom, throw open the toilet lid, and puke my guts out, and to think this is only the beginning. What a perfect nightmare.


I'm terribly sorry I have been busy with school lately that I haven't been able to update everything has been so crazy lately. I haven't had much time for the iInternet I will try to update tomorrow I have a tennis tournament so maybe I can write a chapter on the bus it really depends. so yeah the government really did shut down but it was yesterday, pretty crazy right?

Also 1.4k reads? That's amazing you all are amazing , thank you so much. Please please leave me comments on here or simply on the message boards, I will reply, thanks:)

Also you should thank @Liamoverlife

For the amazing chapter updates and check out her story Apocalyptic Attraction I heard it's very good. Also one more thing, i have 28 followers i am so proud. anyway have a great day :)

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