Bonus chapter #2 - Making It Official

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25th of October, 1984
Brooklyn and Janet are 18, Michael is 26

Michael: I rolled on my side and turned off the alarm clock. I lay in bed for a while, thinking about how lucky I became.

I was planning on asking Brooklyn to be my girlfriend, officially. We already have a date planned today, so I'm making it a bit more special by taking her to a restaurant where everyone can see us. Up till now, all our dates have been pretty private, either at Hayvenhurst or at her father's house, and sometimes at a private location I'd find.

After getting out of bed and brushing my teeth, I got dressed in a nice suit and tie.

I pulled on a jacket, then hurried downstairs to meet mother in the living room.

"Someone's looking nice today," she smiled. "What's the occasion?"

"I'm gonna make it official with Brooke." I told her.

"Aw, honey, I'm glad. I hope you'll ask her something much more serious soon, though..."

I widened my eyes at her indication of asking Brooklyn to marry me.

"Mother we just started dating. We're not even a couple yet."

"But it's the happiest I've ever seen the both of you... I haven't witnessed so much love between two people in so long..."

"Mother!" I exclaimed, obviously blushing like crazy.

The only person I actually felt comfortable to talk about my relationship with Brooke was Janet.

The phone rang through the house, and mother picked it up.

"Brooklyn, we were just talking about you! Yes, he's right here... Oh, of course, honey. I love you, too."

Mother held out the phone to me, "It's for you."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her as I took the phone from her.

"Hey, baby." I said.

"Hey, Mike," Brooke sounded cheerful as ever. "What's the plan for today? Are we having our date at yours or mine?"

"Actually, we're doing something a little different today. I'll come pick you up at around 12, okay?" I told her.

"More than enough time for me to get ready. I can't wait to see you."

"Me too. I miss your lips..." I confessed.

It was true. It drove me absolutely crazy to go even a day without kissing her. I was so caught up in her.

She giggled, "I'll make sure to give you very long kisses today."

I let out a chuckle.
"You're making me even more impatient to kiss you now..."

"Then get off the phone and come pick me up."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit, baby." I said and hung up.

I sighed happily.

"Aww, Mikey, you're so cute when you're in love." Randy suddenly appeared from behind me.

I hit his shoulder, making him wince.


"Actually, yes. I'd love to tap that... When you gonna do her like you did Brooke Shields?"

I hit him again, this time harder.

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