Bonus chapter #8 - Jealous

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13th of August, 2001
Brooklyn is 35, Michael is 42

Michael: "Daddy! Daddy!" Paris's whines woke me up.

I groaned, turning to my wife's side of the bed, with my eyes still closed.

"Babe, go see what she wants, before she wakes Kamron-" I started saying, but it was too late. Kamron started crying, too.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that Brooke wasn't in bed and the bathroom door was slightly open.

"Daddyyyyyy!" Paris cried louder.

I sighed, getting up and leaving the hotel suite bedroom. We were staying at the Plaza Hotel since I was getting ready to shoot the 'You Rock My World' short film.

Brooke was pregnant, again. So, since I wanted to keep an eye on her, I had to take her and the kids with me.

Plus, Dr. James told us to be careful with this one, because of the miscarriage my wife had before we adopted Kamron. She said it might make the chance of losing our baby higher, and I was not going to let that happen.

It took us a while to get pregnant, too. Almost 10 months. Brooklyn had to go through hormonal treatment until we found out she's pregnant. I mean, after six pregnancies, we expected to be pregnant in less than 3 months.

But right now, she's 8 weeks and a few days in. Still too early for us to know anything. All I could do was pray that this pregnancy goes smoothly.

"Daddy!" Paris chirped when she saw me.

I smiled at her and picked her up, wiping her tears.

I then turned to Kamron who was babbling words that non of us could understand.

Prince was still sleeping like a log. He got that from me. Once I'm asleep, I cannot be awaken.

"I had a bad dweam." Paris told me.

"Aww, baby girl, what did you dream about?" I asked.

"A monster that wanted to eat me."

I chuckled, but she obviously didn't find it funny. "Daddy, it was scawy!"

"I'm sure it was, but there's no monster here, Parry." I assured her.

"Mike, I need your help!" Brooke suddenly called.

I hurried to call the nanny from the hotel room next to ours, and entered the bathroom.

Brooklyn was leaning over the toilet, hurling.

"I've been throwing up since 4. It won't stop. It was never this bad before." she said when she sat up.

"We can get you checked out, baby... Maybe something's wrong."

"I don't know..."

I helped her lean on the bathroom wall. She was a mess. "Dr. James said that if there's anything unusual we should talk to her."

"I'm sure it's just a side effect from all the hormones I had injected inside me." my wife sighed, then clutched the toilet again. "Oh, Gosh."

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