I: chapter 2

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The hike to the farming village of Saolas was long and all uphill. Ranah managed fine, really obsorbing the encouragements from Obi Wan. Anakin wasn't faring too well, he didn't upright complain, but there were notable grumbles of annoyance.  

  When the three had reached the small village storm clouds began rolling in. Ranah looked to the  village, wondering why she never knew of it. Ani, Ranah, and Obi Wan had emerged from the forest. To the left was more foliage and to the right was a steep cliff where deep blue water awaited at the bottom. On the left a pin of pigs,cows,chickens and horses grazed. A small field of what looked like wheat and other crops was on the right. In front of them lay a large fire burning. Six straw huts faced each other, three on each side and the fire sat in the middle. At the end closest to them was a well. To complete the box facing outward away from the fire was another straw hut, just barely bigger than the rest.

Ranah looked to her Master, then craned her neck to look over at Anakin. The padawan didn't know what it was, but Ranah had an odd feeling coursing through her veins. Sensing the uneasiness, Anakin looked back at Ranah and cleared his throat "So master, what are we doing here?" Skywalker asked, looking to Obi Wan. 

Master Kenobi sighed "Padawans, we're here to see an old friend of mine. I met her under the training of Qui Gon." He explained and Anakin got excited, vaguely remembering Obi Wan's old master. "Who is she?" Ani asked. Ranah remained quiet intently listening, if she hadn't felt so weird she'd be excited at Anakins happiness. "Her, name is Nausikaa Kasaka. She is a jedi master. Master Nausikaa is in the large hut up ahead." Obi Wan explained. Ranah didn't even have to look at Anakin to know he wanted to question why they were seeing another Jedi master.  Maybe, Anakin was just as afraid of being separated from Ranah as she was from him. The redhead doubted it.

   "Let's go" Anakin said stepping forward, Ranah following after. Then Obi Wan placed his hand on Ranah's shoulder, gentle physical touch being so foreign to the Padawan her breath hitched. "Yes Master?" Ranah asked turning around green eyes greeting blue ones. "Are you alright? You've seemed distressed all day Ranah." Obi Wan asked. Ranah swallowed harshly "Yes Master, I'm fine. I'd like to meet Master Kasaka now." The Pluvian responds politely. Skywalker turned back now also, "Are you done?" He asked snickering. Ranah was quite confused,it was only a kind exchange. "Anakin" Obi Wan snapped before walking ahead towards Master Kasaka's hut.

Nausikaa's cabin was musty. The dirt floor was covered in complex hand sewn circular carpets. Master Kasaka's hut was only lit by candles. Pillows were on the floor for chairs, plants peeked through all of the cracks and crevices, but the walls were plain. Anakin,Ranah, Obi Wan, and Nausikaa sat in a circle of pillows on the floor, it was silent except for the light patter of rain against the hut.
Kasaka finally spoke,"Obi Wan Kenobi" she sighed. Ranah narrowed her eyes examining the women. Flaxen, short hair with strands of gray peeking through almost fully covers a long, sad face. Smart amber eyes, set sunken within their sockets, watch meticulously over the two Padawans and one Jedi who sat in her home. A Scar stretches from just under the right eye , first running towards thin lips and ending on her left cheekbone leaves an unpleasantly harsh demeanor. "I wish to tell your Padawans of the deal now." Master Kasaka said and Obi Wan nodded. Ani and Ranah cautiously glance to each other. Anakins eyes wander from Nausikaa to Obi Wan, but Ranah's eyes remained on him.

"You two are bright Padawans. Both of you young and full of potential, two of the most powerful we've seen. As you know a Jedi Master typically isn't allowed to take on two apprentices, but the rules were altered for you two. That will change now." Nausikaa spoke, her voice deep and raspy. Ranah felt her stomach drop. Was this what she had gotten a bad feeling from? Maybe it was the strange way Obi Wan was acting towards her? All of that aside, Ranah now knew that however this ended her and Ani would be separated.

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