III: Chapter 3

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A/N: Just an fyi this chapter is like a few days later. Part III is gonna jump around a lot time-wise. anyway R has just been bummin it on Anakin/Padme's couch for a little while.


If Ranah were to count the amount of times she had to say "No Anakin."  in just this morning, it would probably to be at least twenty. 

When she was in the shower; 

"Can we talk?"

"I know you live here, but no not right now Anakin."

When she was eating breakfast; 


"About what?"

"Your fight with Obi-Wan."

"He told you--- Just  forget it, no Anakin. I'm sorry."

When she was trying to meditate; 

"Ranah I know-" 

"No, Anakin!" 

And probably a dozen more times. 

Here came another, and while she was instructing class too. Would he just give up already? Ranah sighed, putting on a smile. "Look, we have a guest. Say hello to Anakin everyone!" she announced. "Hello Master Skywalker!" The younglings chorused. The young man waved back awkwardly, and approached his friend. "Can we please talk?" he urged, his voice hushed. The woman glared at him. "Quick." she hissed. "You have to apologize to Obi-Wan he didn't do anything." he insisted. "So him telling you is justifiable, but I can't tell anyone?" she rolled her eyes. "He didn't tell the whole Council." he retorted. She opened her mouth to reply, but she felt a tug at her robes. The Jedi's green eyes traveled downwards to a youngling. "Master Ranah? Can you help me? I can't seem to focus as well as the others?" she asked. The woman nodded. "Of course sweetie. Just give me a moment. Go keep trying, have a little more confidence in yourself, and trust in the force. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it all." she smiled and the little girl scampered off. Ranah turned her attention back to Anakin. "Hey you're pretty good at this whole motherly teacher thing." he complimented. "Well you know, I try." she shrugged. Anakin quickly let the small talk subside. "Enough of that. It isn't the point. You need to go talk to Obi-Wan and accept you're wrong." he continued. "Anakin Skywalker are you really going to stick your nose so far into other people's business that you are preventing the progression of the future members of our order?" she probed, earning a frustrated groan from Anakin. "I hate you when you're like this." he replied. "Go make out with your wife, oh or even better go cut your hair!" she chuckled. "Ranah.." he glared, as he walked away. "Goodbye." she smirked. As Anakin walked away the girl who just asked for the woman's help hit herself in the eye. The youngling began crying. "Oh, dear..." she frowned and rushed over to the child. The woman told the other pupils to continue practicing, as she attempted to soothe the small girl. "Were you and Master Skywalker fighting?" she sniffled and the Jedi shook her head with a sweet smile "No dear, there was just a uh bone of contention." The youngling look confused. "Master I don't understand?" "You don't have to, Master Skywalker is a very strange man." She smiled, as the little girl giggled quietly.


Ranah sat down outside, her eyes closed, mind blank, and only aware of her surroundings. Things were peaceful and she didn't feel like vomiting for the for the first time in days. Her eyes shot open when she felt Anakin take a seat next to her. "You do realize you're wrong, right?" he questioned. The redhead sighed. "I don't think so." she argued. Anakin scoffed "You're crazy. You can't just decide to have a baby and tell everyone before the father." he explained. She shook her head "When you say it like that it makes it seem a lot worse than it is." Anakin just glared. "Maybe it wasn't the best choice. I did kind of panic and do the first thing that came to mind." she admitted. "Exactly, which is why you should go apologize." he pointed out. "I hate to admit it, but I guess you're right. I'll go." she said and stood up brushing off her robes. "What are you talking about, I'm always right." It was Ranah's turn to scoff. "Remember that time you didn't listen to someone else's direction and got your arm chopped off? Or went to rescue Obi-Wan and got yourself captured? Or how about when you were 13 and we were on Alderaan and you-" she was cut off "Okay that's enough! And beside, that's-those are different!" he huffed. "Mhm, sure thing. I have a certain Jedi I need to go apologize too."


Her pale hand reached up, knocking on the dark mahogany door gently. "Obi-Wan? Can we talk?" she called. No response. Ranah knocked again, "Obi-Wan?", she pressed her ear to the door. "I'm here to apologize. I wasn't being fair to you." she continued. There was no response. The Jedi looked around the hall for a sign of anyone. Her attention was snapped back to the door when she heard movement on the other side, it was being unlocked. When Obi-Wan opened the door wide enough, Ranah became overwhelmed and hugged him as tight as she could. "I'm so sorry. I know I should've told you first. None of my excuses or arguments were really valid. Please forgive me. I just wanna have this baby with you and be happy." she rambled, running out of breath. The man flicked his wrist to close the door, then hugged his Fiancé. "I forgive you. I'm just glad you've come to your senses, and we'll be able to have a child." The redhead pulled away with a frown. "The baby will never be able to know who their father is." "Dear, we can worry about those big problems later. Right now let's just be happy." he said calmly. she nodded slowly. "I really love you." she sighed with relief. "Well I'd hope you did." he countered. "Obi-Wan.." The woman laughed. Obi-Wan took Ranah's hand in his. 

"I love you too darling." 

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