II: Chapter 9

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"I stand before you today to apologize for my actions and prove my allegiance to the Jedi Order." Ranah spoke up, confidently. This time there was no hiding any darkness, there was no confusion. It was pure honesty. The Masters remained silent. "I was in a negative place and was persuaded into the darkness. I believed the only way to defeat the conflict within was to study the dark side. Although understanding the dark is essential to conquering it, I do not think becoming Count Dooku's apprentice was the way to go about it at all.  After experiencing this incident, I have never been more in tune with the light side of the force. I know I am asking a lot by asking you to forgive me and trust me, but I would like to request a position teaching. This is not the first time I have asked this of you. I truly believe that I would be better suited training future Jedi than as a war general. I am trained in combat, but I do not think this is what I'm destined to do. I hope you hear me out."  she finished with the same conviction. "Frightening, this information was when we received it,but no more struggle or darkness surrounding you, there is. Very wise thing to do, coming clean to the council was. To the position you wish we appoint you." Yoda responded almost immediately. "Thank you." Ranah bowed. "We will update you with more details at a later time. You are dismissed." Master Windu finished and the Jedi left.


She couldn't find Obi-Wan, but Ranah had to tell someone this wonderful news. The Jedi was able to contain her excitement, until she saw Anakin walking down the hall. She raced down the corridor to catch up with him. "Ani! I have great news!" the redhead exclaimed. "Quit calling me that." he sighed. "Maybe when I'm dead, but guess what happened!" she grinned. Anakin couldn't help but smile, it had been a long time since he had seen Ranah happy. "Alright, what happened?" he gave in. "The Council is letting me instruct classes from now on. I don't have to go out and fight unless absolutely necessary." she explained. "What really? That's incredible I know you really wanted to do that. You'd literally kill for that position." he teased. "Haha." she rolled eyes. "Have you seen Obi-Wan? I really want to tell him." she inquired. "Not since this morning, he's been distant all day." Anakin answered. "Oh well, it was good to catch up with you Ani. I'll let you get back to what you were doing, see you around." "Quit calling me that!" 


When Ranah did find Obi-Wan, he was deep in thought. It was odd it was supposed to be the other way around. She slowly stepped out onto the balcony, placing her hand on the man's shoulder when she reached him. "Hey what's troubling you?" The redhead asked eyeing him up and down. He flashed a small smile and placed his hand on Ranah's lower back. "I didn't know you could get in here." he responded. "It's kind of easy when the door's unlocked." she smiled, placing her other hand on his bicep. "Ah." "Quit avoiding my questions. What's wrong?" she asked again. "We're at war lots of things." Obi-Wan retorted. "Well I do have good news." Ranah started. "Oh really?" he raised his eyebrows. "I am to teach lessons now. I won't become a General or Commander like most others. My job in the war is to instruct the next generation of Jedi." she explained, a smile coming to her face. "Really? That's wonderful!" he grinned, and Ranah nodded in agreement. "I've been appointed to a General position." he admitted. "General Kenobi huh?" she teased. Obi-Wan laughed. "Alright now that we've shared good things about today will you tell me what's bothering you?" she asked again. "I suppose there's no avoiding it." he pulled away from the girl, making her worry. "Listen Ranah, there's a war out there. Who knows what could happen, It's just you've made me so happy. And once this war is over I want to make you my wife." Obi-Wan stated. "Is this a marriage proposal?" she smirked and he nodded. "Well then of course. Do I get a ring?" she teased. "Actually yes." Obi-Wan answered reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a ring with a silver band with a small oval of dembaline in the center. Ranah held out her hand and he slipped it onto her finger. "I know it's not much, but the fancy one can come after we're married." he said sheepishly. "It's just enough Obi-Wan. Thank you." she grinned and took his hand in hers. After the recent turmoil everyone had gone through, they deserved a nice thing like this. Something about this moment made her feel as if no matter what everything would be okay.

"Are you Happy?" Obi-Wan inquired, looking at Ranah.

"Happier than I've ever been in my entire life." she answered honestly, looking up at Obi-Wan.


A/N: Well there's the fluffy end of part II. Sorry for it's shortness, I just wanted to wrap everything up. Prepare yourself for part III. Thanks again homies.

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