III: Chapter 4

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The pain was excruciating. Ranah could faint if she hadn't been laying in bed. It was probably around three in the morning when she woke up feeling a slight discomfort. It took her a moment to adjust to her surroundings. The bed felt cold, it felt wet. Her water broke. The redhead couldn't help, but bust out in a slight panic. The baby wasn't due for another month. She shook Obi-Wan viciously "Dear, Dear the baby is coming." she urged. "Is this another one of your tests?" he asked groggily. Ranah shook her head "No, no it's actually happening this time." she perturbed. Obi-Wan sat up in bed. "Do you have everything you need? Are we ready for this?" he began to panic too. "We don't have a choice if we're ready or not! I'm in pain can we please hurry and get to the med-bay?This child is very eager to come into the world."


It took eight hours of agonizing labor until the time finally came. Beads of sweat dotted across her forehead, her breathing heavy. "How did my mother do this twice?" she joked, her voice still tainted with discomfort. "Calm down and breath." Obi-Wan tried to calm her. "You have the easy part don't order me around." she attempted to bring spirits up. "I don't like seeing you in pain." he frowned. "Don't get all mushy on me, please."  "Of course." he smiled. "It's for our baby." she said with a weak smile. "For our baby." the man reiterated, taking her hand. She squeezed it tight, as she yelped in pain. The medical droid beeped a few times, and shrill cries pierced the air. The baby girl was placed into Ranah's arms, and her heart swelled. The baby took a minute to settle down, but she adjusted to being near her mother and quieted down. The tiny little being was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. Tears welled in the woman's eyes. She looked over at Obi-Wan, he seemed to be experiencing the same overwhelming pride and love she was. "Hello little Malia, it's your Mama." the redhead whispered. "And your Father." Obi-Wan added and Ranah chuckled. "She has your eyes." the man added. "I think she has your nose, and your lips a little bit too." The woman said in awe. "She's so perfect." Obi-Wan enthused. "And so loved, so very loved. Never forget how much we care for you little Malia." she cooed. "So are we naming her Malia? Why don't I get more of a say?" Obi-Wan jokingly protested. "Dear we've talked about this we were going to name the baby after my father if they were a boy, but the baby is a girl and the girl name we discussed was Malia." she spoke quickly. "Yes, I know darling. Nothing but harmless humor."


"Anakin, please be careful with her." Obi-Wan warned as Ranah passed Malia from her arms to Anakin's. "I'm still a little disappointed you didn't name her Ani." the young man added. "I thought you hated that nickname." she retorted. "I do, but it would still be an honor." Anakin justified. It was probably no longer than three minutes before Malia began to fuss. "Hand her here." Obi-Wan said, taking his daughter into his arms. "Yes, I know. That was your Uncle Anakin. He's new to you, I'm sure he'll grow on you like he did us. It's alright Daddy's here." he soothed whispering to Malia. "Why doesn't she like me?" Anakin frowned, genuinely upset. "She's only a few hours old. She's still getting used to the world Ani, most babies are like that. Although if I had to guess, I would say it's your hair." Ranah spoke up. "Would you stop with the hair jokes?" Anakin huffed. The woman looked up "Why are you so angry we always joke around?" she inquired. "I'm not. It's frustrating that your baby doesn't like me. I didn't do anything wrong." he continued. "Ani, that's a lot of pressure for such a small being. It's not your fault. You're the third person she's seen. Ever. That should be an honor itself." 


Anakin and Obi-Wan had to leave eventually. Obi-Wan wanted to stay, but he knew if he did it would raise suspicions. All the baby did was either cry or sleep. The Jedi hoped her daughter would spend her time sleeping,it broke her heart when Malia cried. Currently, the baby was asleep in the woman's arms and the redhead was drifting in and out of sleep. Ranah wanted go home, but she was required to stay for at least 12 hours. She was snapped away, by the sound of the door opening. The woman instantly expected it to be Palpatine. After all everything went wrong when she was in hospitals. The baby fussed a bit, possibly sensing her mother's stress. To everyone's relief it was just Padmé paying a visit. She looked more Pregnant since the last time Ranah saw her. "Oh,I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." The Senator apologized. "Don't worry about it. You're still Pregnant. Take care of yourself, take a seat." she offered and Padmé sat down. "Is this her?" she asked and Ranah smiled "Yes this is Malia. Would you like to hold her? Perhaps she'll like you better than Anakin." she joked, as the young woman nodded. The other woman handed Malia to Padmé and the baby seemed completely content. "Jeez Padmé how many babies are you lugging around in there eight?" The Jedi teased. "One as far as I know." she replied, shaking her head as she held her finger out for Malia to grasp. "You're going to be such a great Mother. Can you imagine our children growing up together?" Ranah asked. "Well hopefully little Malia will be around long enough before training to become a Jedi." Padmé sighed. "Malia will only become a Jedi if she wants to. I'll be sure to raise her knowing she has choices." The woman explained. "You're already seem to be doing a better job as a Mom than I ever could." the Senator laughed nervously. "Don't sweat it. You'll be great. Have you considered any names?" Ranah asked. "Luke for a boy. Leia for a girl." she said with ease. 

"Not Ani? Your husband must be disappointed." 

"Anakin should just be happy I love him enough to carry his children. It's no easy task." 

"Tell me about it. I guess it's time for me to actually embark on raising Malia." 

"Well if there's two things I'm sure of it's that you and Obi-Wan are going to be great parents, and little Leia or Luke and Malia will be the best of friends." 


A/N: This chapter jumped really far ahead. Not gonna apologize because there's no reason for pointless filler chapters of being pregnant and whatever. Also this part III is gonna jump around a lot in terms of time. Also sorry for this being a flop only because I know nothing about babies, or carrying and having children.

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